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Management Essay: Questions for the Negotiating Session

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, develop four questions that could be asked of Alice Jones, senior Netflix executive, during an upcoming negotiation session. This information should be helpful in crafting an integrative bargaining proposal, i.e., a win-win situation that increases the likelihood of reaching a mutually beneficial outcome.

In other words, it meets, as best as possible, the extrinsic and intrinsic interests of both parties.

Specifically, you should keep these criteria in mind:

Create questions that will obtain information about Alice Jones' interests in the bargaining session. They should cover all four categories: open, closed, alternative, and leading, as defined below. Possible questions could explore Alice Jones' short- and long-term career plans, personal interests, and any personal challenges she may be facing. In other words, you are trying to determine Alice Jones' zone of potential agreement (ZOPA) and her best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA).

Open-Ended or Socratic Questions—Begin with who, what, when, where, how, and why. Example: "Why aren't you taking some time off?"

Closed Questions—Can be answered with "yes" or "no." Example: "Are you ready to begin?"

Alternative Questions—Offer the listener a choice with a few options. Example: "Do you want to start the meeting at 3:00 or 4:00?"

Leading Questions—Are aimed at soliciting a particular point of view. Example: "The new vacation policy is very fair, don't you think?"

Make sure the parameters of your questions are within acceptable legal limits, e.g., avoiding topics such as age, marital status, any disabilities, religion, race, pregnancy-related questions. For legal advice, click on this Investopedia link: 8 Things Employers Aren't Allowed To Ask You. A closed caption version of this video can be found Here.

Compare and contrast the value of each type of question and whether it will advance an integrative bargaining position. Refer to the following link for an excellent guide on integrative bargaining and crafting questions that identify interests of the other party: Integrative or Interest-Based Bargaining.

Explain the possible impact of each question, including whether it would improve the likelihood of success during the discussion(s) and how it would be perceived. In other words, how will the questions be perceived? Will they seem manipulative? Fair? Biased?

For a complete description of this assignment and the grading rubric, refer to the Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Questions for the Negotiation Session
Student’s Name
Questions for the Negotiation Session
Question Categories
Open-Ended Questions
Who is Alice Jones?
What are your short-term career needs? What are your long-term career needs?
What did you like/dislike most about working for this company?
When did you join the company?
When did you start receiving poor performance reviews?
Where did you think you would be by now when you joined the company?
Where do you think your skills can be well utilized within the company?
How do you think the company’s culture impacted your performance?
How was your relationship with your immediate supervisor and other employees in the company?
Why do you think your performance has declined?
Closed Questions
Would you ever consider working for this company again?
Would you recommend a friend to work for this company?
Do you feel like you were given the right support to do your job in this company?
Did you feel like your contributions were valued in this company?
Did you share any concerns about the job with your immediate supervisor?
Alternative Questions
Was the work environment supportive or toxic?
Were your roles and responsibilities in the company clear or vague?
Do you have a recommendation for your replacement or would you rather we find one ourselves?
Leading Questions
Wouldn’t you say our company values performance?
Our company offers a very competitive package for all employees at your level, don’t you think?
Teamwork is very essential in the success of our company, don’t you think?
Our discrimination/harassment policies are quite effective, wouldn’t you say that?
Compare and Contrast the Value of Each Type of Questions
Open-ended questions often provide more information about the other party than closed questions. According to the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation (2014), open-ended questions allow the negotiator to provide more details about a specific issue while closed questions are limiting because they often offer a one-word answer. However, closed questions are quite effective when the negotiators are looking for a straight response that does not require clarification. Leading questions often point the respondent to a specific direction while alternative questions, just like closed questions, limit the responses.
Open-ended questions, such as why Alice Jones is leaving the company or what she liked/ disliked most about her job would result in an integrative bargaining position because such questions determine the interests of the involved parties (Spangler, 2003). Similarly, the leading questions would also result in integrat...
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