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Qualitative Research-Philosophical Assumptions and Scholarly Writing

Essay Instructions:

The Module 1 SLP assignment is to write a 3- to 4-page essay in which the following items are addressed:

1-Introduce the concept "mixed methods" and explain the purpose served by each quantitative and qualitative component.

2-Review an article that describes a research study that used a mixed methods approach. Identify the research problem and the quantitative and qualitative components of the study.

3-Identify a unique research problem (or research question). This research problem must be small in scope and appropriately addressed through mixed methods. (The topic area should be something that the student is interested in, and/or something that may be developed later as part of the dissertation research.) my topic is the financial managment in healthcare organazation

4-Describe the quantitative and qualitative components of “the student’s proposed research problem.”

This research problem (or research question) will be the basis of the overall Session Long Project "mini-study"

To complete this assignment, review one of the articles below, or select another article from a literature review:

Ahmed, S., Chowdhury, M. A. H., Khan, M. A., Huq, N. L., & Naheed, A. (2017). Access to primary health care for acute vascular events in rural low income settings: A mixed methods study. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1) doi:10.1186/s12913-017-1987-8

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Introduction to Qualitative Research (1)-Philosophical Assumptions and Scholarly Writing
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Introduction to Qualitative Research (1)-Philosophical Assumptions and Scholarly Writing
Mixed Methods Study and the Purpose of Quantitative and Qualitative Components
The mixed methods research is an approach that researchers use to conduct their study. According to Tilahun, Hanlon, Araya, Davey, Hoekstra, and Fekadu (2017), mixed methods study comprises the collection, evaluation, and incorporating both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. The quantitative study includes experiments and surveys. On the other hand, the qualitative study comprises focus groups and interviews. Researchers use the mixed methods study when the integration of both quantitative and qualitative approaches offer a meaningful understanding of the study problem than when using either of them.
When a scholar mixes both the quantitative and qualitative study and data, he or she gets a deep understanding. He or she offset the flaws that each method contains. The most beneficial feature of carrying out a mixed methods study is the likelihood of triangulation. Triangulation involves using numerous means such as the approaches, sources of data, and scholars to study the same subject. Therefore, triangulation helps researchers to recognize the characteristics of an occurrence more correctly. The method is accurate because the scholars approach the study from different points using more than one procedure and method. However, when using triangulation, the researcher must analyze all the data that every method provides carefully.
Quantitative Components
The quantitative method comprises a close-ended data. Example of a component is rating scales, which measure attitudes. There are also the observation checklists that measure conducts. The researcher here statistically analyses scores that he or she collected on tools such as questionnaires. The scholar can also use checklists to test hypotheses or respond to research questions.
Qualitative Components
The qualitative method comprises open-ended data. The researcher collects such information through interviews. The scholar can also gather the data through observations and focus groups. The researcher here analyses the qualitative data, such as the word of mouth, text, behaviors. In this analysis, the scholar groups the data into classes of information that presents the various concepts that the researcher collected during data gathering.
The Research Problem, and the Quantitative and Qualitative Components of the Study
Ahmed, Chowdhury, Khan, Huq, and Naheed (2017), wrote the article about, "Access to primary health care for acute vascular events in rural low-income settings: A mixed methods study." In their study, the researchers used both the quantitative and qualitative methods.
The Research Problem
The article's research problem is about how severe it gets for the citizens of Bangladesh to access the health care services. According to Ahmed, Chow...
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