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Project Management Methods Management Essay Research

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In this Assessment, you will answer a series of short answer items to demonstrate your understanding of the discipline of project management and its processes.

Professional Skills: Written Communication and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving are assessed in this Competency.


To complete this Assessment:

• Download the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist to use as a guide when completing your Assessment. Responses that do not meet the expectations of scholarly writing will be returned without scoring. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate.

• Download the PM001 Short Answer Submission Form, which includes the Rubric for this Assessment. Complete the form adhering to the criteria presented in the Rubric and to the standards of project management in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), Sixth Edition.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document, a completed Short Answer Submission Form. Save this file as PM001_firstinitial_lastname (for example, PM001_J_Smith).

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PM001: Project Management Methods
Short Answer Assessment Submission Form
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Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.
Review the following example item and response for a sample that meets expectations.
Sample Prompt:
Choose a definition of organizational culture, and explain whether you agree or disagree with the definition. Use examples from your own professional experience to support your response.
Whitehurst (2016) explained, “Organizational culture is defined by how people in an organization interact with each other” (para. 2). While I agree that this is one aspect of organizational culture, the definition does not capture the complex factors that contribute to organizational culture. When I started my first job after finishing my undergraduate degree in business, I worked for an organization whose main headquarters were in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. When I traveled to Dubai for the first time, I realized that the culture of the Dubai office was largely influenced by the society’s culture in Dubai. I found that the organization lacked one cohesive culture and that, depending on regional locations, each office had its own culture. International organizations often face many challenges in maintaining a cohesive organizational culture (Watkins, 2013). I found this observation to be true in my experience. For example, the Dubai office seemed to endow their employees with more allowance for self-direction when compared with our domestic offices. Although people’s interactions with one another contributed to the organization’s culture, there were other factors like location, management style, and societal norms that impacted a business culture as well.
Watkins, M. D. (2013, May 15). What is organizational culture? And why should we care? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2013/05/what-is-organizational-culture
Whitehurst, J. (2016, October 13). Leaders can shape company culture through their behaviors. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2016/10/leaders-can-shape-company-culture-through-their-behaviors
Note: References are included at the end of a Short Answer Assessment but are included here as an example of an accurate APA reference list.

Item 1
The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines a project as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service” (PMI, 2017, p. 4). In other words, projects are characterized by singleness of purpose and having well-defined deliverables and/or expected outcomes. While there may be similarities, no two projects are exactly alike. Project management is a discipline that requires the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder expectations. More and more of today’s businesses are implementing project management methods and employing professional project managers to perform business functions and achieve business objectives.
Respond to the following:
* In your own words, define project management. (1–2 paragraphs)
* Describe two to three key characteristics of projects. (1–2 paragraphs)
* Explain how project work differs from functional work. (2–3 paragraphs)
Your Response
Primarily, a project is obliged to be temporary, and objective passed the practice of an organization. Further, skills and knowledge regarding the objectives are also essential for managing a project (Jugdev et al., 2019). According to Perkins et al. (2018), project management is a process to regulate an objected project's stages. Additionally, project management is a composition of final deliverables obtained through finite timescale and budget. Correspondingly, project management involves processes, finite time scales, and budget to accomplish a stated goal. Thus, project management is implementing processes, skills, knowledge, and experience to obtain a specific goal in general words.As project management is a process, it is backed up by specific characteristics. According to Haberfellner et al. (2019), characteristics indicate an entity's features and attributes. Similarly, the characteristics of project management include transparency, consistency, and problem-solving.Project Management at the current business market is composed of great insight into the cost and progress. Thus, transparency is determined as a critical characteristic of the modern project management approach. Additionally, the project management approach must be consistent. This is important as it indicates an integration among different stages of project management. Finally, project management is designated to solve a problem (any specific requirement). For example, a construction project for a new university campus is being carried out. The project is transparent as it is visible to every stakeholder, the project is consistent as it has to be completed before the new session, and the project is solving student accommodation. Project management indicates initiating, planning, implementing, controlling, and terminating a specific work for a specific time. In this regard, definite timescale, budget, objective, skills, and experience is the utmost requirement of project management (Jugdev et al., 2019). For example, a project to upgrade a service firm's IT infrastructure is time-bound, budget constraint, and problem-solving. On the other hand, functional management is referred to as routine tasks unchangeable for a prolonged period. In an organization, various functions are carried out routinely. For instance, production, sales and finance, and marketing are all operational practices of an organization.Altogether, project management is centric towards a temporary objective, while functional management is continuous and repetitive. Thus, the significant difference between project management and functional management is the workplace's capacity to change. Eventually, the projects are designated to bring change, while functional management entertains the ongoing activities. ReferencesHaberfellner, R., de Weck, O., Fricke, E., & Vössner, S. (2019). Characteristics of Successful Project Management. In Systems Engineering (pp. 359-364). Birkhäuser, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-13431-0_14Jugdev, K., Mathur, G., & Fung, T. (2019). Mediated effect of project management asset characteristics on firm performance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMPB-12-2018-0284Perkins, D., Jugdev, K., & Mathur, G. (2018). Characteristics of project management assets and project management process outcomes: an exploratory factor analysis. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM), 9(1), 59-77. DOI: 10.4018/IJITPM.2018010104


Needs Improvement

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Identify the unique characteristics of a project

Learning Objective 1.1: Define project management
Choose an item.
Instructor Feedback:
Feedback Statement

Student did not submit this element of the assignment.

Student provides a cursory or incomplete definition with vague or missing details of project management.

Student provides a definition with some details of project management.
Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed definition of project management.
There are one or two minor details missing.

Learning Objective 1.2: Describe the characteristics of projects
Choose an item.
Instructor Feedback:
Feedback Statement

Student did not submit this element of the assignment.

Student provides a cursory or incomplete description with vague or missing details of fewer than two main characteristics of projects.

Student provides a description with some details of two to three main characteristics of projects.
Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed description of three or more main characteristics of projects.
There are one or two minor details missing.

Learning Objective 1.3: Explain how project work differs from functional work
Choose an item.
Instructor Feedback:
Feedback Statement

Student did not submit this element of the assignment.

Student provides a cursory or incomplete explanation with vague or missing details of what a project is and how working on a project is different from working in a functional area.

Student provides an explanation with some details of what a project is and how working on a project is different from working in a functional area.
Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed explanation of what a project is and how working on a project is different from working in a functional area.
There are one or two minor details missing.

Item 2
The practice of project management has evolved over the past 30+ years. At one time, project management was viewed as only nice to have. However, recessionary times forced organizations to reevaluate their business practices and streamline operations in order to survive. Companies began to recognize the value of project management to help them accomplish greater organizational performance. They also realized that, in order to effectively employ project management, project goals must be aligned with the overall strategic plans of the business. Today, projects are often undertaken to achieve strategic objectives because of the organization’s inability to accomplish its objectives using traditional functional management.
Respond to the following:
* Explain the differences between project management and operations management. (2–3 paragraphs)
* Explain how projects may be used to support organizational strategy. (2–3 paragraphs)
Your Response
Projects are determined as unique as they are a temporary endeavor undertaken to establish a workplace change. Therefore, projects are accompanied by a fixed budget, time, and other resources (Antony et al., 2016). For example, a project is executed to entertain a new marketing campaign for a limited time. The project will terminate as soon as the objectives are obtained.Operational management is ongoing and permanent practices of an organization. No new elements are produced through operational management. For example, the data entry task in a bank is an operation to track the transactional activities in a day. Regular data entry is carried out, but no new outcome is obtained.Conclusively, project management creates exceptional results, whilst operational management regulates similar tasks. A project aims to initiate and close a business objective. Contrastingly, operations are aimed to enhance the profit earning based on systemic tasks. The projects can support the organization by aligning the strategic plan with the project management style. When an organization decides to change the workplace for betterment, project management is needed (Kerzner, 2018). However, the outlined change is obliged to be associated with the organizational strategy. This aspect is essential as once project management is aligned with the strategic plan, it becomes easier for the organization to prioritize problems, select a framework, and get the work done. Once an aligned strategic plan and project style is obtained, the organizations prioritize their treatment methods (Dziekoński, 2017). For example, any firm experiencing low profitability due to inadequate online services. Among the two problems, namely low sales, and inadequate online services, the first problem is online services. Thus, a project for boosting the present online service spectrum will be designed and aligned with its strategic plan. When the organization is aware of its strategic plan, it can choose the project's righteous framework and get the work done.ReferencesAntony, J., Karaminas, H., & van der Wiele, T. (2016). Critical assessment on the Six Sigma Black Belt roles/responsibilities, skills and training: A global empirical study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-08-2014-0106Dziekoński, K. (2017). Project managers’ competencies model for construction industry in Poland. Procedia Engineering, 182, 174-181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.157Kerzner, H. (2018). Project management best practices: Achieving global excellence. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978-111-9-46885-1


Needs Improvement

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 2: Evaluate project management as a strategy for achieving business goals

Learning Objective 2.1: Explain the differences between project management and operations management
Choose an item.
Instructor Feedback:
Feedback Statement

Student did not submit this element of the assignment.

Student provides a cursory or incomplete explanation with vague or missing details of the differences between project management and operations management.

Student provides an explanation with some details of the differences between project management and operations management.
Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed explanation of the differences between project management and operations management.
There are one or two minor details missing.

Learning Objective 2.2: Explain how projects may be used to support organizational strategy
Choose an item.
Instructor Feedback:
Feedback Statement

Student did not submit this element of the assignment.

Student provides a cursory or incomplete explanation with vague or missing details of how projects may be used to support organizational strategy.

Student provides an explanation with some details of how projects may be used to support organizational strategy.
Some details are missing and/or not fully developed.

Student provides a detailed explanation of how projects may be used to support organizational strategy.
There are one or two minor details missing.

Item 3
Project management as a model for achieving business goals continues to grow in popularity, as does the demand for professional project managers. Employers report that they want project managers who possess the technical project management skills and the “soft skills” like human resource management, leadership, and organizational behavior. Today, more and more employers are also requiring that project managers be professionally certified. Job candidates who possess the credentials that demonstrate technical competence will have an advantage over others. In addition, hiring companies will assess candidates for fit within the project team and the organization.
Respond to the following:
* Describe the primary roles and responsibilities of a project manager. (2–3 paragraphs)
* Describe the skills a project manager needs to successfully manage projects. (3–4 paragraphs)
* Describe the skills a project manager gains through professional certification. (2–3 paragraphs)
Your Response
A project manager plays the leading role to plan, execute, control, and close a project. According to Xu (2018), a project manager is accountable for its initiation, consistency, and quality. The project manager's core areas of consideration include reviewing project scope, integration with the project team, and success. A project manager's responsibilities include integration, leadership, and time management associated with the leading role. Accordingly, a project manager is responsible for developing an integrated project management plan and disseminate its objective among the project team. The project manager is also responsible for vigilantly controlling the project scope and sustaining its consistency (Shenoy, 2018). Lastly, the project manager is also responsible for tracking the structure of the project and its deliverables.As the project manager is obliged to plan, execute, control, and close the project, there are specific skills for obtaining a successful project outcome. These skills are divided into three primary categories: technical skills, soft skills, and non-technical skills (Martens & Carvalho, 2017). These skills are essential for executing and obtaining a successful project.The technical skills involve specialty related to the project characteristics. For example, a construction project manager must be equipped with construction-based technical skills. On the other hand, soft skills are the composition of people management techniques. As the project managers are responsible for integrating with the people, they must effectively manage them. Thirdly, a project manager must possess non-technical skills such as leadership, motivation, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability.Altogether, a project manager can strategically partner with business objectives through the stated skills. Therefore, the role of each skill is essential to foster successful project management. Other than learned skills, project managers are forced to obtain professional certification. This requirement is based on the complexities of the contemporary business spectrum. For example, the modern project management spectrum requires cross-functional abilities in the managers. Similarly, industry recognition is induced through the certification of project management. In correspondence, a project manager's skills through professional certification include encouragement, value contribution, strategic partnering, stress integrity, and accountability (Shenoy, 2018). A project manager is briefly trained to vigilantly vest a project's success through the project management certification. Eventually, a project manager with learned skills and certified skills gives rise to a competent resource for fostering the project.ReferencesMartens, M. L., & Carvalho, M. M. (2017). Key factors of sustainability in project management context: A survey ...
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