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Professional Code of Ethics Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Your task is to write a 2- to 3-page paper (double spaced) that identifies, summarizes, and applies a published code of ethics for your profession.
Using the internet and Library, locate an industry organization’s code of ethics. For example, the American Marketing Association, American Psychological Association, and the American Medical Association all have extensive codes of ethics. An excellent source is the Ethics Code Collection. Once you have located and examined the code, summarize the main points of the code. Provide an example of an ethical decision or issue that may arise in your profession( My profession is de field of Applied Behavior Analysis so I need you to use the American Psychological assotiation). Explain how the code of ethics could be used to provide guidance regarding the decision or issue. Conclude your paper with an explanation regarding the importance and benefits of codes of ethics.
Content Requirements:
Identify a professional code of ethics for your profession.
Summarize the main points of the code.
Demonstrate how the code of ethics can be applied to a specific ethical issue that could arise in that field.
Explain the benefit of codes of ethics.
Demonstrate consistency of your clearly established viewpoint throughout the paper and a clear logical flow as you apply ethical reasoning.
Make sure your writing is original and insightful.
Grammatical/Format Requirements:
Paper must be 2–3 pages in length, double spaced, in correct APA format using Times New Roman or Arial font size 12.
Paper must include a title page and a reference page that includes references for the code of ethics and any other sources used.
Paper must adhere to Standard English with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Code of Ethics Analysis
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Professional Code of Ethics Analysis
Professional Code of Ethics
A professional code of ethics mainly entails a set of guidelines or principles that help to govern the conduct of professionals within a particular profession or field. These guidelines are set and distributed with the intention to guide behavior and decision-making. Industries take different approaches, with some adhering to specific laws that ensure adherence, while others adopt a code of ethics. Regardless of the approach, these laws or principles are quite crucial in helping maintain sanity, order, and organization in professional conduct.
In the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, professionals are guided or adhere to the code of ethics of the American Psychological Association (APA). APA’s code of ethics is divided into two crucially important sections: general principles and ethical standards. These two sections provide a clear set of principles and standards that are expected to be adhered to by members of APA. The goal of the code of ethics is to ensure that patients get to receive safe and quality care.
As already indicated, APA’s code of ethics is divided into two sections. The first section is made up of 5 principles, including beneficence and nonmaleficence, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect for people’s rights and dignity (APA, 2016). Beneficence and nonmaleficence mainly instruct professionals to ensure they inflict no harm to their patients. Further, this principle expects professionals to safeguard the rights of patients. Fidelity and responsibility mainly appeal to the professionals to ensure that they maintain a moral responsibility to their profession. This principle expects them to uphold high ethical standards at all times. The principle of integrity speaks to the character of a person and the virtues of honesty and truthfulness they ought to uphold. Professionals ought to abstain from activities such as fraud, cheating, stealing, and other activities that strain their profession. Regarding justice, professionals ought to conduct themselves in a way that ensures equality. Every patient should be treated the same way, with equal access, benefits, processes, and procedures being administered. Finally, there is a need to respect people’s rights and dignity. This principle directs professionals to respect every person and treat them with respect while honoring their rights to “privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination” (APA, 2016).
APA’s code of ethics also includes a set of standards that help guide professionals' beha...
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