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Communication Over Time

Essay Instructions:

Please interview someone who is at least 20 years older or younger than you. Your goal is to learn about their experience with communication over time and how technology has changed the way leadership is practiced within organizations.

For this assignment, your goal is to analyze the changes in leadership communication practices experienced by the generations in the workforce today (Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Y) in terms of the characteristics that affect the overall workplace culture. Please create 10 questions designed to gather information related to the way technology has changed leadership communication practice over time.

Keep in mind this is academic writing. It should be written in third person and should not include unsubstantiated opinions, but rather facts and theories.

Make sure to use outside sources to support the responses, and ensure your paper is in a scholarly essay format. Your well-written paper must adhere to the following parameters:

• 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

• Minimum of 3 current scholarly references cited in the assignment. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.

• Formatted according to CSU Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).

• Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication Over Time
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Communication Over Time
Drastic changes in technology have significantly impacted communication and how leadership is practiced within workspaces. In other words, changes in technology have influenced leadership communication practices and how they shape organizational culture. Today's workforce consists of three core generations: baby boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Y. Each generation has different attitudes and affinity to technology. Most importantly, the oldest generation, the baby boomers, have experienced most of the technology changes and how they have shaped leadership communication and organizational culture. The current paper summarizes an interview with a 59 years old Mechanical Engineer who owns and runs an auto-repair company in Baltimore, Maryland. The interview provides insights into how technology has changed and the impact of these changes on leadership communication within organizations and organizational cultures based on the interviewees' lived experiences.
What is your educational and work experience?
Mr. Underwood (not his actual name for privacy purposes), a co-founder and current CEO of Old-Tech Motor Repairs Inc. (OMR), based in Baltimore, Maryland. OMR specializes in the refurbishment of classic cars, a process in which old vehicles are fitted with various aspects of digital technology. Currently, the organization has 231 employees, three branches within the United States, and one in Liverpool. Mr. Underwood has been the CEO since 2009 when OMR only had 23 employees with one branch in Baltimore. Mr. Underwood entered the job market in 1986, working at Kodak as a mechanical engineer for 12 years before taking a five-year sabbatical. Between 2003 and 2007, Mr. Underwood established and ran a family-owned auto-repair company in the outskirts of Baltimore. Leaving the company under the care of his cousin, he joined Century Engineering Inc. as a manager in the Repairs and Maintenance Department in 2008. He worked for three years before resigning to pursue and expand the family business. He plans to resign at 62 and is currently grooming his son (32 years old) to take over as the next CEO.
In total, you have accumulated 35 years of work experience, notwithsta...
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