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Problems with Organizational Change

Essay Instructions:

Think about a specific problem or opportunity in your organization, your community, your professional association, or your social organization.

(One topic that is of interest and concern to me and especially concerning a work environment I have observed is the need for organizational change. The need for organizational change is necessary because the structure shows areas of communication pitfalls in leadership, lack of consistency in departments regarding work processes, lack of training on work functions, and less emphasis on certain projects while others have a higher focus. What that looks like in this case requires an audit of the mission and vision, then a dissection of each department’s function and any other layers of missions that may exist. Doing this audit should clearly define any known missions and visions to discover any areas of alignment or misalignment.)

With this assignment, you will begin drafting your portfolio project for this course. Your critical thinking assignment should articulate your problem or opportunity in a concise and informative way. For this assignment

Define the Problem Statement.

Provide the background of the Organizational Problem or Opportunity.

Include two or three specific issues that make this research problem relevant, and the reason why this study needs to be conducted.

Provide at least six references, with at least four scholarly references that will support your future research efforts. Concentrate on using references that were published within the last five years.

Your well-written assignment should be 4-5-pages in length and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Problems with Organization Change
Student Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Problems with Organizational Change
This paper will discuss some of the most common difficulties that leaders confront and how to deal with them effectively through the lens of problem statement delineation, organizational problem background, and issues that make the identified problem relevant.
Problem Statement
Organizations are affected by the change, whether it is a minor reorganization or a significant acquisition or merger. Change constitutes a central component of corporate growth inclined to ensure sustainability. In order to ensure a harmonious change within the contemporary business environment, it is increasingly essential to manage employee resistance to such transformations. Organizational change is necessary for various reasons, including communication pitfalls within leadership, inconsistent work processes across departments, inadequate employee training, and increased emphasis on specified projects, thus conflicting high-priority areas. Resistance to change is inevitable, but a company’s capacity to overcome it as a team demonstrates its character (By, 2020). It is increasingly essential to promote effective communication among organizational members in order to mitigate staff reluctance to embrace the new norms and reduce the impacts of bureaucratic organizational structures that hinder change. This implies that challenges are central to the change process. Nevertheless, organizations can count on a proactive approach to change management to help avoid stumbling blocks on the organization’s route to a successful transition.
Although change might be difficult to accept and embrace at an individual level, it is an obligation for a leader to ensure that the organization’s employees are prepared for these inevitabilities. This might range from minor personnel changes to a corporate merger or acquisition. Whereas organizational change is central to ensuring a firm’s sustainability, challenges are central to such endeavor (Schmidt et al., 2017). Anticipating these roadblocks will enable firms to proactively mitigate the significant obstacles and thus ensure an effective transformation process. If no other changes occur, the context of the organizational issue is critical for successful adjustments, which may include revising job descriptions and developing new positions. Forming a group is one of the most difficult tasks. Another significant challenge is to set change markers or determine appropriate behavioral inclinations to support the anticipated status quo. Organizations also face problems creating an effective learning environment and ensuring staff involvement, especially within today’s virtual work relationships due to the Coronavirus pandemic. In order to solve the issues mentioned above, the organizational leaders need to resolve weak points or problem areas.
Background to the Problem
Organizations have been significantly impacted by the drastic changes prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes have a lasting effect on individuals, communities, and organizations. It is increasingly essential for organizations to adjust and adapt their operations to the existing contextual factors in order to evolve and survive in the long run. Research indicates that it is important to emphasize factors influencing dialogue and communication between employees and leaders to ensure organizational change becomes successful (Karlsson & Westermark, 2021). Change is increasingly challenging to understand on a conceptual threshold, and it includes many factors other than effective communication and good leadership. Instead, organizational members should be involved to ensure change becomes successful, especially within an increasingly holistic approach to change management.
Resistance to organizational change constitutes a factor that could potentially sabotage such an endeavor. In change implementation, resistance is perceived as an important issue for managers. However, there is a theoretical gap in the study of employee resistance within the change management field, thus prompting scholars to investigate several factors and dimensions linked to the concept. According to Karlsson and Westermark (2021), many studies addressing resistance emphasizes cognitive, behavioral, and affective dimensions of employee re...
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