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Cross-Cultural Communication Training

Essay Instructions:


Unit 10 Assignment: Case — Successful Management Requires International Experience

In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following Outcomes:

HR410-6: Practice global interconnectedness as it applies to your field.

GEL-4.03: Understand patterns of human behavior based upon real world observation

In this assignment you will learn about patterns of human behavior and culture. This will help you to apply global interconnectedness to cross cultural preparation training.

In order to give you some experience using Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and Hall's Communication Contexts, the Unit 10 Assignment Case begins with you applying Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and Hall's Communication Contexts to your own culture, then to another culture of your choosing. The remainder of the Unit 10 Assignment Case is applying the three phases of cross-cultural preparation (page 476) to the Proctor and Gamble Case, “Successful Management Requires International Experience Case” in Course Resources.

Refer to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s Communication Contexts in Chapter 6, “The International Manager: A Guide to Communicating, Cooperating, and Negotiating with Worldwide Colleagues,” located in Course Resources. This chapter gives a good overview of both Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s Communication Contexts, which play a central role in this assignment.

Keep in mind that in order to succeed overseas, expatriates (employees on foreign assignments) need to be:

Competent in their areas of expertise.

Able to communicate verbally and nonverbally in the host country.

Flexible, tolerant of ambiguity, and sensitive to cultural differences.

Motivated to succeed, able to enjoy the challenge of working in other countries, and willing to learn about the host country’s culture, language, and customs.

Supported by their families (pp. 476–480).

In order to help you become more familiar with Human Resources and Development professional articles, this assignment has a reference requirement for two articles from TD. Use this link to help you find TD articles in the Purdue Global Library.

Worksheet: Use the Unit 10 Worksheet located in Course Resources to complete this assignment.

Assignment Requirements

Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions, and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.

Ensure your worksheet has the following components:

Minimum 1,000 words.

Correct spelling and grammar; proper paragraph construction (paragraphs require a minimum of three sentences to sufficiently develop an idea); use of bullets (bullets are an outline, not developed ideas).

Identify patterns of a cultural group with which you have had contact. Describe those cultural patterns using Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s Communication Contexts.

Use the three phases of cross-cultural preparation (pp. 476–480), and develop training that would prepare Procter & Gamble employees to work in the culture you previously described. Include Spouse and Family Training.


Reference page (two TD references, which can be found in the Library).

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Compose your assignment in a Word document and save it as Username-HR410 AssignmentUnit#.doc (Example: TAllen-HR410 AssignmentUnit10.doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 10 Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 10.

Your Name

Data Collection: Your Culture

What do you observe about your culture using the Hofstede Dimension and Hall Communication Contexts? (Minimum of one paragraph)

Data Collection: Another Culture

What do you observe about another culture that you have contact with using the Hofstede Dimension and Hall Communication Contexts? (minimum of one paragraph)


Compare your observations related to your own culture and the cultural group you previously identified using the Hofstede Dimensions and Hall Communication Contexts.


Use the cultural group you described in the previous section. What steps should P&G take to prepare employees for international assignments to help them succeed? (Minimum of one paragraph for each of the following)

Pre-Departure Phase

On-Site Phase

Repatriation Phase

Spouse and Family Training

TD References (Minimum of two TD references — must be cited in the worksheet and listed here as references.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cross-Cultural Communication Training
Data Collection: American Culture
In the American culture, individualism is celebrated. To this end, the workplace emphasizes individual independence, competence, achievement, and productivity. Thus, the organization expects one to show high levels of autonomy and task orientation, with individual goals emphasized over group interests. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions attribute the cultural aspects to American society's high level of individualism. In individualistic societies, there is an expectation that one has to speak up and express oneself openly (Khlif, 2016). Communication in the American culture tends to serve as a tool for enhancing individual achievement. In line with this, American culture can be described as low-context culture using Hall’s Communication Context, whereby the information is explicitly communicated without the need for the audience to pay attention to other contextual aspects.
Data Collection: Chinese Culture
Comparatively, the American culture places importance on group achievement. The success achieved by an individual within a given organization is considered a team effort. Therefore, the individual actions taken by an individual are judged based on their influence on the group as a whole. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions describe Chinese culture as collectivist because the overall harmony as emphasized by Confucianism is prioritized over personal needs and objectives. The need to conform to group norms and rules is heavily valued in Chinese culture. Communication in line with the cultural aspect requires indirect communication, given that collectivist culture encourages one to communicate subtly. According to Hall's Communication Context, the Chinese communication approach can be described as high-context communication (Barkema et al., 2015). To this end, a listener is expected to discern the message from the way the speaker presents it instead of their words.
From the observation and the data collected, it is essential to note that the American and Chinese cultures are on the opposite ends of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and Hall’s Communication Context. While American culture emphasizes individualism, a person moving to the Chinese culture has to start factoring in the importance of harmony, given that the Chinese culture place importance on collectivism. Communication in Chinese culture is driven by the need to remain civil, and a certain degree of indirectness is required. On the other hand, communication is undertaken directly in the American culture as it facilitates individual achievement. Hall’s communication context describes communication in Chinese culture as high-context communication and the American culture as low-context.
Consequently, Proctor and Gamble (P&G) should prepare employees before expatriating to China for work. The goal of the preparation is to ensure that the expatriated employees are flexible and sensitive to cultural differences between America and China to engender the level of motivation required to succeed in a new environment. At the same time, P&G must ensure that the expatriate can effectively communicate in China and enjoy familial support within the new environment. The company should provide cross-cultural training to expatriates and their families in three steps; the pre-departure phase, the on-site phase, and the repatriation...
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