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The Critical Predictor for Job Performance

Essay Instructions:

What is the most critical predictor?

• Influencingjob performance or organizational commitment?

• Under condition of

(e.g. High-tech/AI/ industry/new working style/work from home)

5 – 8 pages, May 7th due

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The Critical Predictor for Job Performance
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The Critical Predictor for Job Performance
Job performance refers to an organization's expected value from workers' behaviors in a specific period. The way employees behave has a significant effect on a firm's success. That is why many companies have established an organizational culture that guide workers' behaviors. Employees can promote or hinder the performance of a firm. For example, workers who handle clients well in an organization are likely to improve their job performance. Such individuals ensure that they undertake all their responsibilities to achieve established goals and objectives. The primary aim of job performance is to assess if workers are doing their jobs well. Many corporations use personality assessment tests to measure the suitability of applicants in a specific job. They understand that hiring employees with good traits influence job performance. The paper focuses on the most critical predictor of job performance or organizational commitment under the condition of high technology, new working styles, artificial intelligence, industry, and work-from-home programs.
When it comes to the critical predictor of job performance in high technology, the primary things that recruiters should look for in potential candidates are transformational leadership, past behavior, and experience in a specific field. In particular, the technology sector is a rapidly evolving field, and recruiters should prioritize highly experienced people who are flexible (Cesario & Chambel, 2017). For example, a high technology organization, such as Apple Inc., looks for talented and experienced individuals who understand their roles and responsibilities. Tim Cook’s transformational leadership has enabled the company to give employees the freedom to innovate since they are entrusted for their responsibilities. As such, analyzing employees' past behavior helps a firm predict the job performance of potential employees. When it comes to careers in the high technology industry, people develop new skills so that they can adapt to different situations. For instance, if an employee is involved in a project that helps an organization to improve its performance, the individual is likely to perform well. Behavioral questions are excellent in measuring how such a person will respond to changes in technology and how best they can develop and implement a strategy to address a new challenge. High technology organizations use simulations to predict how potential candidates or employees might react when faced with a specific issue. As such, experience and past employees' behaviors are the most critical predictors of job performance in the high technology industry.
Under the condition of artificial intelligence, the critical predictor of job performance is how well an individual can apply theories in coming up with machines that address various problems. In particular, artificial intelligence involves developing smart equipment that can perform tasks, which require human intelligence. For example, some large automotive companies are trying to develop self-driving vehicles that can move from one point to another without drivers. On that note, the best predictor of job performance in artificial intelligence is how well an individual can do to come up with smart machines using the available resources (Babalola, 2016). Employees in this field should be creative and use what their organizations can provide to solve real-life problems. Notably, predicting the expected value of such individuals in artificial intelligence entails evaluating the mastery of skills and knowledge in technology. If possible, organizations should provide materials to employees to practice and improve in artificial intelligence since it enables them to keep improving for the best. For instance, various car manufacturers have already made several prototypes of self-driving cars and have tested them to facilitate proper improvements before launching them to the market. Therefore, predicting job performance in artificial intelligence involves evaluating how well employees can use the available resources to implement smart machines that can solve real-life problems.
Industries should use the cognitive ability and team coherence as the critical predictor of job performance or organizational commitment. Team coherence entails the alignment of employees with the organization’s purpose and the creation of trust among members. Notably, it allows workers to be focused on achieving set organizational goals and objectives together, which means that they address problems together. Recruitment is the most significant process that determines the type of employees that work in a particular organization. The best performing firms in the world engage in rigorous job selection and placement to ensure that they end up with highly experienced, talented, and motivated workers to achieve the best outcomes. The failure of a company to hire employees who can steer a firm toward success leads to significant losses and might cause the company to collapse. Cognitive ability shows h...
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