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Power and Leadership Essay. Management Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Week 14: Discussion Board (Power & Leadership)

Make sure you read through the PPT on Power & Leadership.

Think about a boss (or even teacher if you have not worked yet) you have had and discuss the following the parts of his/her/their leadership:

1) What kind of power did the person have and why?

2) What theory of leadership do you think the person fell under and why?

3) What leadership style did the person have and why?

Next, please visit this week's Required Resources folder and view the talk entitled: "John Wooden - The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding." - https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=0MM-psvqiG8

John Wooden was one of the greatest NBA coaches of the 20th century. Please discuss your reactions to his talk, and to his Pyramid of Success model and how it may relate to your own personal perspective about values-based success.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Power & Leadership
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Power & Leadership
In my first ever job, I had a boss who had expert power. As an expert at model trains, my boss knew all the kinds of trains, there were in the world. Whenever a customer came into the store looking for a specific model train, my boss would fish it out from where it was and show it to the customer. Even for those who did not know the kind of model train they were looking for, my boss would show them an array of model trains and explain their different features.
I think my boss fell under the transformational leadership theory because he always sought to motivate us and help us rea...
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