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Management Essay: Presentation Review

Essay Instructions:

Could you please review the attached two presentations and write your feedback (Questions, areas of improvement).

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Presentation Review
Name PMT 552Instructor Date
Effective Project Management Case Study Burj Khalifa Tower
* How can the project management team optimize project control?
Project control is necessary to make the necessary adjustments at the right time when considering the set objectives set at the beginning of the project. The case for project control is that there is a need for continuous evaluation of the project and reliance on data and information to improve planning.
* What was the role of project team manager in different phases of the project process?
What was done well?
* The presentation provided a background on management of the Burj Khalifa Tower including risks.
* Mentioned the costs and the actual costs, which indicate the impact of cost overruns on the project.
What was not done well?
* Did not mention the process of project planning.
* While the project mentions risks, it did not mention the risk management strategies.
* The project mentioned the costs, but not the source of financing and feasibility of the project.
Areas of improvement
The Burj Khalifa Tower is the tallest buildings in the world, and information on project planning can provide insights on what to do and avoid for a project of a similar size. Planning and organization of activities is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the project management. It may be necessary to create a workflow to visualize the various elements and phases of the projects. Properly establishing the initiation, planning, execution, control and closure phases make it easier for the project team, to work seamlessly. One of the key elements to the success of projects is planning.
Elaboration on how the project team dealt with risks and uncertainty to meet the project goals. The presentation mentions that the project faced, but the risks and uncertainty may have necessitated changes in planning to meet the project’s set conditions and requirements of the project. Information for internal control and evaluation are necessary to avoid mismatch in the costs and scheduling. Efficient project management extends to considering the anticipated outcomes have been reached and identifying what is likely to affect the delivery of the project condition. Identifying the risks and opportunities prevent potential devia...
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