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Positive and Proactive Communication

Essay Instructions:

Hello Students,
1. For this Discussion, you need to read Part III "Communicating with Others Proactively" in your textbook.
2. Discuss the key elements of positive and proactive communications that are missing in the workplace scenarios and any other aspects of the situation you feel need to be corrected (and why). Also, complete any tasks within the scenario.
(A). One-on-one supervisor with employees
Your peer (a first line supervisor at a major retail store) is conducting a performance evaluation of a subordinate in the break room, where numerous other employees are eating lunch. Your peer is raising their voice and noticeably frustrated with the employee. The employee is attempting to defend their position but it is obvious your peer will not let them get a word in edge wise. You notice numerous other employees shaking their heads. You decide to approach your peer (also a friend) and address what your saw. What do you say?
(B). Supervisor to a team
You are a team member on a major project for a defense contractor. Your supervisor has just called an "urgent meeting" to discuss the current problems with the project's progress. The project is months behind and slightly over budget. Most people feel it is due to the lack of resources (your project is the third priority). The meeting is in 30 minutes and you have no additional details as to the meeting content. Your supervisor routinely calls meetings with little or no warning, and then expects various employees to brief their portions of the project. When employees cannot brief their sections, the meeting is often canceled and rescheduled for after normal working hours to allow "time to better prepare (words of your supervisor)." You have had enough, you decide to email your supervisor and recommend a better way to conduct the meeting (be tactful).
(C). Supervisor with a manager.
You are the manager of a department at the local shipyard. You have 7 supervisors that work for you and run the day to day operations of your six divisions (your seventh supervisor runs the administrative and logistics staff). One of your supervisors continually disrupts planning meetings to discuss problems within their division. You have talked to them and counseled them several times about the proper time and place to discuss the problems. Your friend (a manager of another department) recommends that your move the supervisor to a less challenging division. What are you going to do? How? Why? Submit your answer in this Discussion by selecting "Post New Thread" above. (Do not enter your answer in the Assignments section of your e-classroom.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Positive and Proactive Communication
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing)
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
Positive and Proactive Communication: Case Study
A first-line supervisor at a major retail store is conducting a performance evaluation of a subordinate in the break room. There are numerous other employees eating lunch. The supervisor raises their voice, evidently frustrated by the employees. However, the supervisor does not allow the employee to defend their position. Watching keenly, other employees are shaking their heads, seemingly in disappointment. This case presents a scenario in which several elements of positive and proactive communication are missing.
Firstly, the time and place in which the supervisor does the performance evaluation are not ideal. A break, in workplaces, is time for employees to rest or have a meal, as is in the case. Further, the break area has many employees who want to talk to each other. Choosing to conduct the review implies that other employees cannot interact and that the employee under review does not receive any sense of privacy. Th...
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