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Performance Management Procedure, Behavioral Approach, Democratic Coaching and Motivation

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate course learning outcomes, including the performance management process, coaching, performance standards and linking rewards with employee performance.
This assignment is worth 15% of your grade. Refer to the grading rubric.
Apply the course learning to the following four questions with a short paragraph (approximately 250 words each):
Explain how the poor implementation of any phase in the performance management process will negatively impact the entire process. Support your answer with an example. (5 points)
Under what conditions should a company use the behaviour approach to performance? When should a company use the results method? Provide examples of each measurement type. (5 points)
You are the owner of a coffee shop. Sara, one of your newer employees, has arrived late for her past two shifts. Which one coaching style would you use to address the performance issue with her? Explain your reason for choosing the coaching style. (5 points)
Describe the three determinants of motivation and demonstrate how these apply to your performance in this course. (5 points)
Assessment: I will grade your answers to these questions based on how well you apply the course concepts.

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Employee Performance
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Performance Management Procedure
Poor implementation of any stage in the performance management system results in low esteem for employees. Employees’ self-esteem declines when the platform providing feedback is inappropriate and inaccurate. Employees are likely to hear from their managers only when they are wrong, a common practice that reduces their confidence. Also, unfair employee evaluation may result in reduced self-esteem, a substantial element of success. Reduced self-esteem could antagonize the management and the entire organization, affecting the entire process (Kettner, 2017). Effective implementation of each stage in the performance management process shows appreciation, consent, and consideration to workers through providing constructive and positive feedback to improve their confidence and motivation to work at higher levels.
Additionally, poor implementation of any stage in the systems will diminish employee engagement. For instance, a lack of clarity in a performance plan confuses employees about their daily contribution to its mission. As such, a sense of growth in the organization is lost, thus affecting the entire process in the organization. Employees’ lack of progress mentality can make them view the program as unfair and feel uninspired regarding their future in the agency. As a result, the level of motivation will reduce, leading to low production, and they might leave the organization. Employee turnover jeopardizes the success of the entire process since the organization’s progress is disrupted as they hire new employees to replace the outgoing ones (Kettner, 2017). Effective performance management procedures should entail stages that allow managers to locate areas to improve their talented workers. Development alternatives include developing workers’ proficient skills and offering training and support. By doing so, each performance implementation stage will run smoothly, and the entire process will succeed.
Behavioral and Result Method Approach
The behavioral approach is the frequently used performance measurement approach and involves vertical scales determined by certain parameters. Organizations use BARS and BOS techniques to evaluate employees’ performance. The behavioral approach is commonly used when the management requires understanding their workers, behaviors, and work schedules, essential for performance evaluation. The technique monitors multiple parameters such as turnover rate, employee satisfaction, control, to mention a few. The approach offers specific data regarding employees’ performance, leading to better performance evaluation (Giri & Jena, 2017). For instance, the approach can determine the number of products produced by specific employees hence determining his performance in the company. Companies can apply a behavioral approach when connecting company performance with control, conflict of interest, goal achievement, and reward. It helps management in decision-making and supervising organizational goals more effectively. Due to its reliability and accuracy, the behavioral approach increases employee satisfaction and positively impacts organizational development. Also, it motivates the employee to improve their future performance. The approach plays a significant role in performance measurement, motivation, and reward.
On the flip side, companies may apply the result method to overcome various challenges, assuming that employees’ features are easily identified and measured to succeed in their jobs. The approach focuses on actual results instead of assuming traits. For instance, workers show acceptable job performance after meeting or surpassing the set targets. Workers are judged depending on their actual performance rather than their potential for success or personal opinion of their capabilities (Islami et al., 2018). The resulting method recognizes the complexity of assessing all elements that determine employees’ performance.
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