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Leadership Skills

Essay Instructions:

For this discussion, think about your past experiences with project management or team leadership. Then, in your initial post, address the following:
Share your experience working with a manager or team leader. What leadership, management, and emotional intelligence skills do you think the manager employed effectively? What skills or responsibilities do you think they struggled to employ successfully? (Please avoid using real names.)
How did this leader manage conflicts or difficult team members? Share an example of a situation involving a team conflict and how it was handled. (Please avoid using real names.)
Based on what you have learned in this module, which skills do you think were used to resolve the conflict? Were they effective? If yes, explain what made them effective. If not, what would you do differently to manage a similar situation for better outcomes?

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Leadership Skills
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Leadership Skills
Management Experience
Working with a manager increased my efficiency since it added value to my skills and experience in the organization. My employee experience started from pre-hire interaction with the manager in several departments. My experience with managers included physical workplace and relationships with my colleagues. A manager attracts, hires, engage, and performs his duties, thus increasing the performance of all employees (Wigert & Maese, 2019). The manager was more effective in problem-solving, strategic thinking, interpersonal, and communication skills, thus making his leadership skills top-notch in the organization. The manager had confidence, vision, and integrity and was responsible for his employees. He took his team under his care and provided relevant resources to enhance our performance.
My manager was emotionally intelligent since he could see through individual eyes since he had psychology course training to be more efficient and effective in the organization. Some of the manager's emotional intelligence skills were self-awareness, motivation, and self-regulation. He took time to process and engage himself in critical thinking, thus challenging his assumptions and others. He reacted calmly to pressure, thus creating a basic sense of wellbeing in the organization. The manager motivated me by valuing optimism and perceiving the benefits of a particular situation.
Employees in a human resource office are required mentoring and training for delegation and organization skills to meet organizational goals (Smith, 2021). Although these skills were essential, they were provided inadequately. The manager has one challenge as part of his management skills. He could not provide clarity or define expectations. Clear expectations define the standards employees are expected to have while providing clarity enables employees to do their jobs effectively. The manager only acknowledged words but ...
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