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Pattern of Facts Outline Guidelines and Rubric Management Essay

Essay Instructions:


Review the company overview and the case study overview in the Final Project Case Study document. Create an outline of the pattern of facts leading up to the case study conflict, including the identification of stakeholders in the conflict. Your outline will help you determine the fact pattern needed to complete Milestone One in Module Three.

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Pattern of Facts Outline
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Pattern of Facts Outline
There various stakeholders that are involved with the case. The first stakeholder is ABC corporation because it is an issue that involves its employees. Additionally, Thomas, the call center manager, and Janet, who is one of the supervisors, are also involved. Michael and Kathy, who are Kareem’s colleagues, are also involved because they witnessed behaviors that led to the termination. Kareem is also a stakeholder since the situation affects him directly. Finally, the employee representative (ER) is also a stakeholder.
Facts of the Case
Thomas’s call center had a tense culture. It revolved around, ensuring everyone was productive and responded to as many calls as possible. Unfortunately, Kareem’s calls were dropping over time, and he was often absent at his desk.
Michael noticed Kareem’s habit of praying, which at the time appeared to be a strange behavior that involved Kareem talking to himself and performing strange gestures. He reported to Janet what he had witnessed.
Similarly, Kathy noticed Kareem’s behavior of leaving his workstation constantly and inquired about the habit. Kareem explained to her that he had to pray five times each day and washing hands, feet, and face was a strict requirement each time.
Based on the information from Michael, Janet began monitoring Kareem’s performance and determined that he spent excessive time away from his workstation, which she assumed undermined his performance.
Janet presented her findings to Thomas, who also found the same result that Kareem had performance deficiencies. As such, he began monitoring Kareem’s performance.
After a few weeks of assessing the situati...
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