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Organizational Structure and Job Performance

Essay Instructions:

Based on the course readings and resources, complete the following: Please use APA 7 Format

Write a paper discussing how employee job performance is related to organizational structure. Provide a real-life scenario of how you have witnessed either positively or negatively, the effects of organizational structure on employee performance. Use an organization you work for, one that you are familiar with. ( I work for Arthur J. Gallagher and the environment provides a psuedo method of employee performance. We are not properly equipped for success and still not give motivation to be successful within the organization).

Keep in mind this is academic writing and APA 7 allows writing in first person for personal reflections, such as this. You should not include unsubstantiated opinions, but rather facts and theories supported with scholarly sources.

Your well-written paper must adhere to the following parameters:

4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

Cite six references, with at least four scholarly references. Remember, you must support your claims and/or assertions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.

Your submission must conform to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Review the grading rubric within this assignment for more detail on how this assignment will be graded.

This order requires the use of 6 sources. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Relationship Between Organizational Structure and Job Performance
(Student's name)
(Affiliated Institution)
Relationship Between Organizational Structure and Job Performance
Organizational structure is a vital factor in influencing employees' job performance as it defines the role of employees, the interrelationship between their tasks, and the flow of command. It has five major components: departments, job design, delegation, control, and chain of command. Job design refers to how work performed by employees is divided into specific tasks. Departments are structural units from which work is coordinated. Delegation refers to bestowing decision-making to subordinate staff, and the span of control is the system through which employees report their performance. Organizational structure aligns the employees' performance to the success achieved from conducting their duties. This is through the impact of hierarchy which defines the relationship between employees and their managers.
Organizational structure can influence job performance either positively or negatively. A good organizational structure improves the productivity of employees through motivation and enhancing performance. A good structure is characterized by job satisfaction which is facilitated by coordination and proper communication. In research by Kampini on the impact of organizational structure on job performance, 44% of the respondents said that a good organizational structure helped define authority and responsibilities, with 24% saying that it helped promote cooperation and motivation (Kampini, 2018). Conversely, a poor organizational structure leads to low productivity through low delegation and a lack of incentive to work harder. Traditionally, the main organizational structures were centralized and decentralized structure. The centralized structure is characterized by formalization and less delegation. It enables an organization to incur less cost, achieve uniformity in work performance and allow for leadership. However, it is associated with bureaucracy which reduces work efficiency, inflexibility, and delays in work. The decentralized structure is characterized by more delegation and flexibility in job performance. This enables the organization to gather various opinions in decision-making and achieve greater acceptability of decisions made. However, the decision-making may be time-consuming, and a few individuals may dominate the process beating its purpose.
The organizational structure determines the satisfaction achieved from the job as it has five key factors that make an employee more satisfied with the work they perform. These are task identity, task variety, task significance, task autonomy, and feedback (Folami & Jacobs, 2005). Task variety is the number of activities conducted by an employee in work, where satisfaction is derived from performing more tasks. Task identity refers to the visible outcomes from performing a particular job. Employees are more satisfied with visual effects as it enables them to find their role in the organization meaningful. Task significance is the impact of the function performed on the lives of others, where employees are satisfied with a position that has a substantial effect on people's lives. Task autonomy is the independence and freedom available to an employee in his work derived from role discretion. Employees are likely to perform better in a role with more freedom and independence. Feedback in performance is where an employee can obtain information concerning his/her account and effectiveness. Clear and direct feedback is critical to ensuring an employee performs better in his role. These task characteristics are influenced by the organizational structure adopted by an organization, where a good structure provides an optimal environment for job performance.
Job performance is an aggregation of decisions made by employees or their managers in their work. Therefore, a good organizational structure allows for better decision-making and positive response towards the decision made. Less delegation of duties implies that the scope of decision-making lies on the managers, and employees can only abide by the decisions made. Consequently, the employees are likely to negatively respond to the decision made if it does not address their concerns or conflicts with their perception of performance (Johanim & Yahya, 2018). A structure that supports group decision-making is more appealing to employees as it allows for their views to be incorporated in the decision made and thus more satisfaction and an incentive to perform better. The structure is important in enabling exp...
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