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Organizational Structure and Culture: Gallup Results and the McNamara Information

Essay Instructions:

For the SLP 4 assignment, you will explore some aspects of an organization's culture, at least as you see it. (Select an organization you have worked with, if possible.) Since the concept of organizational culture is open to many interpretations and classifications, this assessment offers a slightly different approach from your background reading on organizational culture.

Required Reading

The People Group, Based on Gallup Research: What Makes a Great Workplace? Retrieved from https://thepeoplegroup(dot)com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/article-gallup-research-what-makes-a-great-workplace1.pdf

McNamara, C. (2000) Organizational Culture. Adapted from the Field guide to Organizational Leadership and Supervision. Free Management Library. Retrieved from http://managementhelp(dot)org/organizations/culture.htm


Think about the results from the Gallup Survey for a minute, and how it compares to the Academy, Baseball Team, Fortress, and Club cultures described by McNamara in the Background reading.

Then prepare a 2- to 3-page paper addressing:

In your opinion, do the Gallup results fit your general expectations or constitute a surprise in some ways? Interpret the results of the Gallup survey in terms of your own experience, either to confirm or to question the results. Compare the Gallup results and your opinions with the McNamara categories.

The degree to which the Gallup results and the McNamara information tell you similar or dissimilar things about your organization.

Does the Gallup survey and the McNamara categories help improve your managerial understanding and/or skills? What can you infer from the results about how your organization’s culture fits or doesn't fit with you? What (if anything) can you do to make your interaction with the culture more effective?

Provide your opinion on whether or not the above two sources in this SLP 4 help you understand the organization and how you cope with it. Do they accurately depict what is needed to analyze a company’s culture?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the criteria on the SLP rubric (see the rubric for more detail): Assignment-Driven, Critical Thinking, Business Writing, Effective Use of Information, Citing Sources, and Timeliness.

2-3 pages double spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Structure and Culture
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Organizational Structure and Culture
In my opinion, I was surprised to learn that there are no great firms, but only great workgroups. However, I agree with the twelve dimensions that describe great workgroups. In particular, effective workgroups understand what should be done, have appropriate resources, get recognition from their employers, are encouraged to develop, their opinions and ideas are valued, are committed to offering quality work, receive proper feedback, and are given opportunities to learn and grow their career (The People Group,” 2008). Gallup results align with my experience of an effective team.
Gallup's results have differences and similarities with Carter McNamara’s categories of organizational culture. Specifically, the Gallup survey emphasizes workgroups while McNamara prioritizes organizations. In an academy culture, workers are highly experienced and skilled. They stay longer in a firm to get promotions. In baseball team culture, employees act as free agents with highly prized skills. In addition, club culture’s significant requirement is for employees to fit into a specific group. In a fortress culture, workers are likely to be laid off, particularly if an organization experiences massive reorganization (McNamara, 2022). The primary similarities between Gallup's results and McNamara’s article include organizational culture and the workgroups or team effectiveness in promoting a company’s success.
Gallup's results and McNamara’s article provide relevant information about Apple Inc. For instance, Apple Inc. has effective workgroups that offer quality services to the company. Workers know what they are expected to do and their scope of work. They are provided with all resources they need and the opportunity to enhance innovation (Podolny & Hansen, 2020). Employees are encouraged to grow their careers and get promotion opportunities. Based on McNamara’s article, Apple Inc. has an academy culture organizational structure. Workers are highly skilled and stay for an extended period in the company so that they can get appropriate experience and be promot...
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