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Action Plan for Next Career Move (Launching Own Business)

Essay Instructions:

Start this assignment by reading “Success is no Accident”. Then, create an action plan for your next career move. You may use the Action Plan Template.docx as a reference to organize your paper.

Start by stating your specific primary career goal and in a short narrative describe the implications of your self-assessment (i.e., personality, interest, skills, values) and career exploration (career research, informational interviews, in class speaker’s impact and class discussions) and how those influence or impact your next steps in your career and explain why this is a good fit for you. Please use this resource to help you writing Smart Career Goals(https://www(dot)thoughtco(dot)com/how-do-i-write-smart-goals-31493)

Then in the next section explain how you see your career evolving and devise a strategy for moving towards your ideal future life/work situation (career). Explain in details the interim steps or milestones you have laid out for yourself for the near future (indicate the time frame too). Feel free to elaborate on what type of organization you are working for, what organization culture you prefer, your desired lifestyle, financial expectations, etc…

In the next section under “Key Action Steps” describe specific actions you will take to realize your short-term goals. Move on to specifying needed resources and support in the next two sections.

As a final step, please provide a summary of how has going through this exercise clarified (confused?) or changed your concept of a career and what was your overall learning with regards to your career. Please make sure your answers will not exceed more than 2 pages (single space). The Action Plan template should serve as a guide as to what sections you would want to add to your write-up and it should just be an outline of your thoughts. The write up summary should explain your learning from class (your experiences with interviewing, your self-assessment and what you found out about yourself, you thinking about your career management and your specific specific plans). Add your action plan template as an Appendix.

Submit this assignment on Canvas but if you can also bring printed copy to class I will appreciate it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Action Plan for Next Career Move
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
A goal is a desired future vision that people hope to realize. In Deb's (2019) opinion, smart goals ought to be precise, measurable, doable, practical, and time-bound. My immediate, specific primary career goal is to launch my own business within the next 12 months. My personality, interests, abilities, and values have contributed to my ambition to establish a firm. First, I'm passionate about business, which will help me continue to give it greater attention. I am also creative and innovative, and I think of fresh ideas to boost productivity in a company. In addition to having sound financial capabilities, I have strong analytical and problem-solving skills. These abilities are required to reduce risk before it can harm the firm.
Additionally, I have a strong vision, which will enable me to plan and create objectives for my firm. The job exploration resulted from informal interactions with various business owners and career research about entrepreneurship. I learned from my research that having a personal business is more advantageous than being employed. The results have influenced my next move in my management career. I now have a vested interest in becoming an overarching manager of a company. The idea is also a fantastic fit for me. The reason is that a self-evaluation revealed that I have entrepreneurial skills.
Motivation and Timelessness
My career is currently evolving as a result of obtaining various accomplishments that will help me rise to a managerial position. I have been working on a project for my professional development to integrate my internal analytics processes for the financial analysis of data. Additionally, I am pursuing a management course that has broadened my perspective on managerial ideas. Besides, I frequently attend weekly leadership development sessions to build my managerial abi...
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