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Organizational Change in Broadcom

Essay Instructions:

We have determined that change is inevitable and subject to a number of variables attributing to the success or failure of the change process. The Final Paper is an exploration of a change initiative that you have personally experienced or researched. The paper should demonstrate your knowledge of the change process through a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the following aspects of organizational change. Your paper must include:

An identification and description of a professional change initiative personally experienced or researched.

A discussion of the change initiative as seen through the eyes of the leader and the follower.

A discussion of the successes and failures experienced during the change event.

An analysis of the concepts and theories used to facilitate the change process.

An evaluation of the impact of the change upon the organization.

A discussion on the sustainability of the change effort.

You must incorporate concepts and theories relating to the change process as they apply to each section of the paper.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper

Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must use headers to identify the specific aspect of change within the paper.

Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

Must use at least three scholarly sources from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library, in addition to the course text.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center


Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2022). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Chapter 11: Sustaining Change versus Initiative Decay

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Change

Author's Name

The Institutional Affiliation

Course Number and Name

Instructor Name

Assignment Due Date

Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Professional of the Change Initiative. 3

Dual Perspectives on Change Initiative – Leaders and Followers. 4

Leader's Viewpoint of Broadcom.. 5

The Change at Broadcom's Vision and Strategic Importance. 5

Obstacles and Expected Resistances. 5

Followers' Perspective on Broadcom.. 5

Perceived Benefits and Problems. 5

Change Responsiveness of Broadcom and Adaptation. 5

Success and Failure of Broadcom’s Change Initiative. 6

Success in the Change Process. 6

Strategic Vision and Leadership. 6

Employee Engagement and Training. 6

Adaptive Technology Infrastructure. 6

Failures in Change Process. 7

Future change strategies and takeaways. 7

Conceptual Framework of the Change Process. 8

Overview of Theories and Ideas Employed. 8

Concept Utilized in the Change Process. 8

Practical applications and efficacy of the theories. 9

Impacts of Change on Organization. 9

Immediate Performance, Morale, and Productivity Effects. 9

Long-term effects on the Company's Vision and Strategy. 10

The Change Initiative's Sustainability. 10

Mechanisms for Sustainability. 10

Sustainability Risks. 11

Conclusion. 12

References. 13



Businesses in the modern era must be rapid, able to adjust to a constantly shifting global economy, and receptive to inventive ways of accomplishing things to succeed. No matter the industry or field, organizations must evolve in this constantly changing environment to maintain growth and relevance. Broadcom, a significant player in the global tech sector, exemplifies this adaptable spirit. A comprehensive change initiative to reshape its organizational blueprint to match Broadcom's launched emerging market realities due to the rapid pace of technological innovation and fierce market competition (Scharre, 2023). This report explores Broadcom's transformational journey, tracing its drivers, strategic foundations, difficulties faced, and successes realized. Further, it shows how well-established organizations can successfully navigate fierce organizational change by balancing internal aspirations and external market imperatives.

Professional of the Change Initiative

The constant state of change is unavoidable in today's dynamic business environment. Organizations frequently face a crossroads of transformation in their quest for growth, sustainability, and relevance (Palmer, Dunford & Buchanan, 2022). A prime example of how businesses launch change initiatives to adapt, grow, and thrive is one of these organizations, which is Broadcom. Therefore, Broadcom, a well-known global tech conglomerate, was engaged in a highly competitive industry. Due to the rapid advancement of technologies and intense competition, the enterprise acknowledged the imminent necessity for a transformative change. It was not just about updating the company's hardware; it was an attempt to realign its values with the market's.

Both of these considerations led to the decision to make the shift. Since the market has shifted towards integrated technological solutions, Broadcom has had to break down internal barriers and encourage teamwork across departments. This necessitated the implementation of a more flexible and versatile organisational framework. Additionally, employees, particularly the younger generation, desire a work environment that fosters collaboration and flexibility. This internal drive was in step with widespread shifts in the business world towards focusing on employee happiness, a balanced work-life, and flexible education. Broadcom outlined the following key objectives for its change effort in light of these compelling forces:

Broadcom is moving away from a top-down, hierarchical structure and toward a flat, team-based model to improve its decision-making speed and flexibility. Cross-departmental collaboration is being encouraged as part of this shift, with new tools designed to increase productivity and efficiency by eliminating unnecessary steps. Additionally, there is a focus on cultural revitalization, creating an atmosphere where staff members are encouraged to take chances and actively learn. Additionally, Broadcom's dedication to staying ahead is displayed in its efforts to upgrade its technology infrastructure.

According to Palmer, Dunford, and Buchanan (2022), change is not just about changing processes or implementing new technologies when analyzing this change initiative. It is a comprehensive strategy integrating people, culture, technology, and people. Progressively examining Broadcom's story, a well-thought-out change initiative based on external market needs and internal organizational aspirations can lead to unprecedented success.

Dual Perspectives on Change Initiative – Leaders and Followers

A dynamic organization like Broadcom makes 

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