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Crisis Situations in Sports Organizations

Essay Instructions:


You will select 3 unique crisis situations involving sport organizations and/or athletes associated with a sport organization.


The crisis situations must have occurred at least 12 months prior to the start of the course (i.e. no crisis situation can be utilized that has occurred within the last calendar year). After selecting 3 crisis situations, you must provide a thorough background/explanation of each situation, identify key PR elements, outline what the organization’s posture and response was, assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the response postures taken, and make recommendations on improved response techniques for similar situations in the future. In total, the response analysis must be no fewer than 6 pages (at least 2 for each selected crisis situation). The document must be in current APA format and contain a Title Page and Reference Page (neither of which count towards the 6 page minimum). An Abstract is not required.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Crisis Response Analysis Assignment
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Table of Contents Introduction. 3 Peng Shuai and Australian Open Controversy. 3 Background. 3 Key PR Elements. 3 Corporate Stance and Reaction. 4 Assessment 4 Recommendations. 4 The Formula One and FIA Controversies. 5 Background. 5 Key PR Essentials. 5 Organisational Behaviour and Response. 5 Assessment 5 Recommendations. 5 LIV Golf Controversy. 6 Background. 6 Key PR Essentials. 6 Organisational Behaviour and Response. 6 Assessment 7 Recommendations. 7 Conclusion. 7 References. 8
As significant as the world of sports is, several crises have tarnished it. According to Müller et al. (2023), analysis of athletes' and sporting organizations' crisis management strategies offers vital insights for future readiness. This report will examine three separate crises, including The Australian Open's Peng Shuai scandal, FIA's handling of the Formula One crisis, and the LIV Golf crisis. Each concern will be analyzed to identify the essential public relations components' organizational reactions and evaluate their suitability and efficacy.
Peng Shuai and Australian Open Controversy
After making allegations against a high-ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party, tennis star Peng Shuai vanished (Rentner, 2023). The public's outcry and subsequent unexplained absence of the individual raised international concern. The Australian Open, among tennis's Grandeur Slam events, was a flashpoint for this sentiment, as fans, activists, and some of her fellow players tried to bring attention to her predicament but were met with pushback from the tournament's organizers.
Key PR Elements
Player Safety Worries
The safety and well-being of a player were at the center of this debate; many people were concerned about Peng's whereabouts and general health.
Censorship and Intimidation
The seizure of Peng-supporting shirts at the Australian Open and the alleged acts of intimidation at Wimbledon demonstrated a possible infringement on freedom of expression.
Sponsorship Effects
Many people, including activist Drew Pavlou, believed that Tennis Australia had a conflict of interest because of its business dealings with Chinese companies.
Corporate Stance and Reaction
Tennis Australia's initial stance, as evidenced by the seizure of "Where is Peng Shuai?" shirts, appeared to prioritize business objectives over player welfare. The company later changed its mind, attributing its earlier actions to a communication breakdown, but many people thought their strategy was hesitant and primarily motivated by money.
The response from Tennis Australia to the predicament brought to light the fine line that sports organizations must walk between their financial and moral obligations. It was good that they lifted the ban on wearing specific shirts, but the public's impression that they hesitated for economic reasons tarnished their reputation.
After a crisis like the Peng Shuai incident, sports organizations must look hard at their goals and procedures (PR, 2022). Above all else, an unwavering dedication to the wellbeing of the athletes should be maintained. Transparent communication is crucial during unfolding crises. There is a lower risk of disinformation and growing mistrust if organizations dialogue with every stakeholder, from fans to players. This openness must also include proactive cooperation with international organizations, ensuring a unified front in defending the security and welfare of all parties. The Peng Shuai incident shows that sports organizations must protect athletes and integrity. Therefore, these organizations can handle crises with more credibility and integrity by being transparent and caring.
The Formula One and FIA Controversies
Recently, Formula One's governing body, the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), has been at the center of several crises (Chadwick, 2023). Lewis Hamilton's activism ignited discussions regarding the intersection of politics and sports—pressure on the FIA from team budget cap breaches raised questions about its fiscal regulations and sp...
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