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ORG405 Principles and Practices of Effective Leadership

Essay Instructions:

ORG405 - Principles and Practices of Effective Leadership
For your Portfolio Project, you will encapsulate what you have learned about leadership and about yourself in this course. Before you begin, reflect on all the assignments in this course. There are two parts to this Portfolio Project in the Option #1 assignment:
Part I: Analysis of Leadership within an Organization (185 Points)
Analyze leadership in your current place of employment or one with which you are familiar. As part of your assessment, define the leadership approaches, traits, styles, and tasks accomplished within the organization.
Your well-written paper should be 3-4 pages long, include a minimum of three outside resources, and be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these resources. For more information, see the Portfolio Project Rubric in the Module 8 folder.
Part II: Personal Leadership Profile (165 Points)
Imagine yourself assuming a leadership role within the organization you analyzed for Part I. Then create a profile of yourself to share with current leaders. Your profile should demonstrate how you could serve as an effective leader within the organization and include the following components:
Your leadership style
Your values and personality
Your abilities in motivating, communicating, team-building, relationship-building, and innovation
Your strategy style
Your followership style
Your leadership vision
Keep in mind that this profile is not only to reflect you as an individual and as a leader, but it should also synthesize leadership knowledge acquired in this course.
Part II of your Portfolio profile should be well written; if you choose the written format, the paper should be 5-6 pages in length. This part of the Portfolio assignment must cite at least three outside references.
**I have attached a previous paper I wrote w/the APA formatted writing - please feel free to remove the content but keep the format for the portfolio project. This paper was from a previous module.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part 1
Transformational leadership involves broadening the interests of the followers by motivating employees to look beyond their self-interests. It involves setting goals and building commitment amongst the followers to adhere to the objectives set. This kind of leaders is more concerned with the growth of the team. Participation and engagement of everyone in decision making is very crucial in retaining and attraction of great people in business. People love working for businesses where they feel motivated and greatly inspired. A transformational leader is always inspiring, energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate person who can influence the followers to change their perceptions, expectations and ultimately motivate them to work towards a common goal.
Howard Schultz’ Leadership Style in Starbucks
Transformational leadership involves broadening the interests of the followers by motivating employees to look beyond their self-interests. It involves setting goals and building commitment amongst the followers to adhere to the objectives set. This kind of leaders is more concerned with the growth of the team. However, this kind of leadership is almost similar to the inspirational leadership in most elements. Participation and engagement of everyone in decision making is very crucial in retaining and attraction of great people4 in business. People love working for businesses where they feel motivated and greatly inspired. A transformational leader is always inspiring, energetic, enthusiastic and passionate person who can influence the followers to change their perceptions, expectations and ultimately motivate them to work towards a common goal. This article analyses some of the transformational leadership styles evident in Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz.
Schultz has learnt the art of transformational leadership which has really steered his business to a higher level in the recent past. According to Schultz, leadership is more than just winning or becoming triumphant but it is a continuation process which involves a number of people working towards achieving a common goal. He thinks that celebrating everyone in a company is a vital thing regardless of the position held in the business. Schultz further things that shared success is very important and that businesses requires team spirit that is highly inspired. Schultz believes that business itself is a team that requires highly motivated team spirit to catapult it to success. Inspiring employees is one thing that Howard believes in as it motivates them to share the company’s common goal (Bussing-Burks, 2009).
Howard Schultz has always been successful in achieving his targets while ensuring that his employees’ needs’ are fully satisfied. He is able to inspire his followers to follow him and be part of him in attaining the company’s goals effectively. Schultz believes that Starbucks’ employees can steer the company into success in the retail industry and create a difference in terms of competitive advantage (Schultz & Joanne, 2011). The company gives modest paychecks, healthcare packages and stock options to her employees as a way of motivating them. He feels that by offering such kind of benefits that also involve career counseling ties the employees into the business and further creates the sense of belonging. Schultz believes that people are motivated to work even harder because they are part of the results of the company (Burke, Graeme & Cooper, 2011).
Additionally, the Starbuck CEO treats his employees as one family thus prompting them to give their all to the company. Treating workforce like a family is a tool of maintaining loyalty amongst employees thus reducing even turnover rate. The warm and family treatment initiated by Schultz is one of the reasons most customers also remain loyal to the retail company due to hospitable treatment by employees. The culture is so much engrained in the company that the company does not call their workforce employees but as partners. He further provides training, learning and some acknowledgment packages such as coffee education and learning to lead as a way of building confidence amongst the partners and boosting degree of attachment.
Schultz also gives hear to his partners’ needs and continuously consulting them and carefully receiving feedback relating to the company’s vision. He takes his time to communicate with employees via phone calls or sending emails enquiring about feedbacks of what the organization offers as well as seeking advice. What Starbuck CEO has successfully done is to communicate his vision so well that it sticks in the mind of all the partners as well as asking for their feedbacks and understanding of the vision. He further passionately communicates his vision to his workforce in a way that even the employees feel the heat and eventually turn passionate in pursuing the company’s vision. Furthermore, one needs to be a team leader with a character that can stimulate employees to emulate him and that is what Schultz has achieved.
Howard’s style of leadership is currently very important in America because it boosts employees’ morale and self-realization. This kind of style is vital in stimulating organizations’ growth and boosting businesses revenues. Transformational leadership may lead to minimal blockage or interference with vision implementation processes since all the members of the organization are involved in decision making process.
This kind of leadership may further lead to a situation where employees’ unlock and maximize their potential towards the success of the company. Focusing and adaptation of transformational leadership is very crucial as far as honesty and transparency is concerned. The organization’s stakeholders can only invest in a company where they feel they are actively involved. This is only possible if a leader leads without ego but interfaces with all the stakeholders in achieving greater heights.
Part II
Working as an Army Leader
I am a leader who is capable of making appropriate choices and joining direction for an organization. I can influence people by providing the society with facts, direction and motivating individuals to achieve the mission in order to improve the organization status.
I would establish policies; manage resources and commanding units during the operations thereby balancing the risks by offering care for their people and families. I will always remain accountable for the responsibility. I will always focus at all levels during the operations to accomplish the Army’s mission of US. On the other hand, the Warrant officers possess a high degree of specialization in a specific field since every warrant officer in their respective field of specialization are capable of commanding aircrafts, maritime vessels and other special units (Army Leadership of United States, 2012). Warrant officers are capable of providing quality councils, advises and solutions that are able to provide support to the organization unit. They are capable of maintaining, administering and managing the US Army equipment by providing support to solve some of the technical matters (Shinseki et al., 2013).
I will empower the Noncommissioned officers. The noncommissioned officers (NCOs) are always in a position of conducting daily operations, solving complex tactical operations and making determined driven solutions. However, most of the solders look for their NCOs for solutions, inspirations and guidance (Army Leadership of United States, 2012). The US NCOs leaders are always responsible of maintaining high quality standards and discipline since they are regarded as the standard bearers and role models by creating education, critical training and subordinates. The Noncommissioned Officers are responsible for care to the solders and acting as the role models. They take part as trainers, mentors and advisors.
I will give more freedom and delegate duties to army civilians. The Army civilians are professional personnel who are committed to serve the nation as the integral part of the US Army team. They give extra support to the solders by providing mission essential capability, continuity and stability during the war and peace operation (Army Leadership of United States, 2012). The Army Civilians establishes and executing policies by managing Army programs, systems and projects that helps the organizational Army. Their selections are based on the eligibility of holding position. The Army Civilians provides support to their counterparts by remaining loyal for long period of time within the same organization...
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