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Management Report, Staff Motivation, Leadership Strategy

Essay Instructions:

hi, This is a management report, and i ll upload the instruction, there is there topic in the instruction and please pick one to write, then you need to watch a video. please the writer read the instruction carefully, the essay must follow the instruction and the rubric. thank you.

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Tervita Canada
Tervita Canada is one of the leading companies in Canada, which specializes in energy as well as environmental waste management. Started in the year 1979, the company has since grown to a leading corporation dealing demolitions, oil field waste management, water treatment, oil sands exploration, oil spills cleanups, environmental construction, landfill remedies, waste disposal in oil fields and even construction drilling. As a leading environmental producer, the company has some subtle management approaches, from the structure to the execution of the services along with the interactions that are seen within the organization (UnderCoverBoss, 2013). This is relative to the structure of the organization, in the way that the staffs at the lower ranks interact with the higher ranks at the company. This is a crucial aspect in any organization as it impacts the success that the company is going to enjoy. Through the Undercover Boss TV series, it is easy to understand the kind of operations the company is undertaking relative to the interactions that take place between the management and the rest of the staff. The strength of these interactions is enshrined in the policies of the company. The company enjoys significant success in Canada and the United States, and the TV show, helps the audience to better understand the policies and the structure at the company.
Started in the year 1979, the company has enjoyed massive success in the environmental waste management services and in the energy sector. The company was started by David P. Werklund; at the time the company was referred to as Concord Well Servicing. Over the years the company has changed its name relative to the developments that have been associated with incorporation of other companies. Previously, before it was referred to as Tervita, it was referred to as Canadian Crude Separators Corporation. This is a company that takes pride in the growth that most of the projects it runs have been a success (UnderCoverBoss, 2013).
The company culture is tied to the vision, mission and values established as part of the pillars that have set up the success it enjoys. The vision of the company gears the efforts of the management and the rest of the staff towards being a global leader in environmental and energy solutions (UnderCoverBoss, 2013). The mission on the other hand is tied to innovation, science, experience and knowledge for the clients, governments and the community. The company prides in four main values, that are; life, accountability, collaboration and excellence.
Company Structure
An evaluation of the of the company reveals a hierarchical structure in the organization. This is to mean that, the different ranks at the company are separated by the various levels in power. From the TV Series, it is evident that the management and the lower ranking employees do not communicate as effectively as they should (UnderCoverBoss, 2013). When the boss goes undercover, it is clear from the interaction that he has with the employees during the drilling and waste management ventures that, the communication platform between the two levels of the organization.
Leadership Strategy
Looking at the TV series, there is an indication that the strategic leadership approaches at the company is largely one that is transactional. This is to mean that most of the time the organization follows a rather rigid approach when delegating duties. The leadership style at the company is focused on elements of supervision, group performance and organization. This is to mean that the leadership at the company is largely concerned with the having all the staffs joining forces and delivering on the procedurally laid out plans (UnderCoverBoss, 2013). As such, aspects such as creativity are far-fetched at the company. This is relative to the fact that the company does not encourage individual brilliance which is a common approach in most of the companies that encourage a transformational leadership approach. The company largely approaches leadership with the short-term goal...
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