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Option #1: Influence Tactics Paper Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Influence Tactics Paper

There are seven influence tactics an individual can use to influence others: silent authority, assertiveness, information control, coalition formation, upward appeal, persuasion, impression management, and exchange.


Select a well-known leader, alive or deceased, and conduct research on the influence tactics he or she has used to influence others. Identify the tactics and the specific situations in which they were used.

Based on your research, determine which tactics were the most successful for this leader.

Write a paper which examines the leader's use of tactics to influence followers.

Paper Requirements:

Your paper should include an introduction and a conclusion and should be 4-5 pages long, not including the title or reference pages, which you must include.

Incorporate two scholarly references that are not required readings for this module. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find your sources.

Follow the CSU Global Writing Center- https://csuglobal(dot)libguides(dot)com/writingcenter/apa7_resources

Review the Module 1 Critical Thinking Rubric for full details on how you will be graded on this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Influence Tactics
The position of a leader in an organization and the power it gives are not enough to motivate or inspire people. Success and motivation require leaders to believe in employees or followers and communicate that belief. In business organizations, such communication is undertaken using all or some of the seven influence tactics depending on the type of power that the leader holds. Although Obama is not a business leader, his use of persuasion, impression management, and assertiveness to influence his followers and people around him are well documented. Persuasion and impression management were significant in Obama's win of the presidential race and the running of his administration, especially during chaotic moments. On the other hand, assertiveness was instrumental in influencing democrats and republicans to pass the Affordable Care Act, which is also known as Obamacare. This paper examines how Obama used persuasion, assertiveness, and impression management to influence others during the presidential campaigns and administration.
Persuasion is a key influence tactic that enables leaders to establish their credibility, make their position compelling, and connect emotionally with the audience. In politics, persuasion is mainly achieved through speeches that employ a combination of numerous rhetorical devices. Obama is known for persuading people through clear visions and strategies that intent to positively impact their lives and those of future generations. In 2008, Obama envisioned an inclusive America where everybody, regardless of his/her race, would be able to access education, healthcare, and other essential services. After winning the Democratic Party primaries, Obama stated that it was "a defining moment in history." This statement would sound ridiculous if it came from a white American. However, to Obama, this statement was a representation of how his vision would convert the country's tragic narrative of slavery, segregation, and discrimination into something hopeful. As a result, Obama's vision during the 2008 campaign was very persuasive to ordinary Americans, especially African-Americans, because it was directly addressing their struggles while promising a bright future.
Since the ABCs of social psychology tends to be consistent, visions that appeal to peoples' thoughts and feelings are usually effective in changing their behavior. This implies that if leaders can make people think and feel more positive about their political goals, then they are likely to vote for them. Indeed, Obama won the 2008 presidential contest after he received unprecedented votes from white voters and the country's three biggest minority groups; blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. In a business organization, clear visions do not just impact the direction of an organization but also "results in the internalization of organizational values and goals that encourage individuals to adopt desired behaviors" (Keskes, p 29). Therefore, visions or goals that reflect employees' struggles in life, culture, and numeration are likely to influence them to increase their productivity and adopt any changes that the leader may introduce.
Impression management
Impression management relates to the nonverbal and verbal practices that leaders employ in an attempt to present an acceptable image of their selves. Obama's impression management is related to self-promotion strategies that highlight his calmness, confidence, and charisma. Impression management in both business and political environments rely hea...
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