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SWOT Final Project Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Final Paper: 1, 5, 10-Year Plan

For your final paper, you're going to build on many of the foundational principles we've discussed over the course of the semester in 3 distinct phases.

Read this webpage and watch the video embedded there:

SWOT ANALYSIS LINK: https://www(dot)mindtools(dot)com/pages/article/newTMC_05_1.htm (Links to an external site.)

Phase 1:

Your culminating activity will involve determining your major goal(s) for the next 1, 5, and 10 years as they pertain to your career path. Obviously, your career path will impact and also be impacted by elements of your personal life, so it is permissible to bring personal circumstances into the discussion. However, make sure to keep the overall focus on how your career life path is a central component to your future aspirations. You may choose 1 major goal to discuss for each year of your plan or several goals for each year--that decision is yours to make. Write your goal(s) with the S.M.A.R.T. goal method.

Phase 2:

Once you determine your goal(s), you will then conduct a SWOT analysis (as we discussed in class) to determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats you may experience as you work to achieve your goal(s). Strengths and Weaknesses are internal characteristics (think of family/friend support, skills and abilities, educational level, etc.) to consider, while Opportunities and Threats are external factors (think of changing technology, the economy, political influences, global security, etc.). Please view the video in the link below and read the corresponding article, then use the attached document as a template for creating your own SWOT analysis worksheet (if it's easier, you can create your own SWOT table in the Word document for your paper by making a table with 4 boxes--2 rows, 2 columns). You will conduct 1 SWOT analysis for each year of the plan (1 ,5, and 10 years) for a total of 3 SWOT analysis worksheets. When filling out the worksheets, you do not need to write paragraphs and sentences. Simply describing your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats as bullet points in each box will be sufficient. See the SWOT Worksheet here:

SWOT Analysis Chart – Career Management.docxPreview the document

Phase 3A: (1 single-spaced page for each year; 3 written pages total)

In narrative form, describe each part of your SWOT analysis for the given year in more detail. You will do this for each year (1, 5, and 10) of the plan. For example, consider the following types of questions:

How can you use the strengths/opportunities to overcome the weaknesses/threats?

How can you maximize the strengths/opportunities and minimize the weaknesses/threats?

Knowing your weaknesses/threats, what can you do to overcome these challenges?

Which of these factors: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats will play the most significant role in the journey towards your goals...Why?

Based on the results of your SWOT analysis, what action steps can you take to help you achieve your goals?

Phase 3B: (a couple of sentences at the end of the narrative for each year)

Lastly, for each year describe one step you can take that may be daunting or scary, but you would be willing to attempt to help you achieve your larger goal(s). Think of it as a calculated risk. (Remember our discussion about not letting fear getting the better of you in your career decision making). This part only has to be a couple of sentences (what is the step you can take and how can it help you achieve your goal).

Overall, the format of your paper should look like this:

Year #1

1. S.M.A.R.T. Goal(s):

listed at top of the page (Phase 1)

2. Narrative:

(Phases 3A & 3B, 1 single-spaced page long)

3. SWOT Analysis Worksheet (Phase 2) (separate page)

Year #5

1. S.M.A.R.T. Goal(s):

listed at top of page (Phase 1)

2. Narrative:

(Phases 3A & 3B, 1 single-spaced page)

3. SWOT Analysis Worksheet (Phase 2) (separate page)

Year #10

1. S.M.A.R.T. Goal(s):

listed at top of page (Phase 1)

2. Narrative:

(Phases 3A & 3B, 1 single-spaced page)

3. SWOT Analysis Worksheet (Phase 2) (separate page)

Please include everything in one single Word or PDF document and upload it to Canvas. Your paper will consist of 3 written pages of narrative (1 single-spaced written page for each year) and 3 SWOT analyses (1 worksheet for each year).

Please use the following format:

12 point font


1-inch margins

If you need any class materials, feel free to contact me!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

SWOT Final Project
Tieshen WangCareer Management
Rutgers UniversityInstructor Date
Year #11. S.M.A.R.T. Goal(s):
Smart goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timed. The goal is to get a job and learn more about career development within one year to help me leverage my strengths and deal with my weaknesses necessary to advance my career
2. Narrative:
It is important that one identifies their strengths, that is, the skills that make a person stand out from other professionals such as specialized knowledge, or command of a second language. Thus, I will analyze the skills needed to improve on my competency and achieve your goals, and with this information. I will make decisions to help you boost your career form the first year to the fifth year. This is possible by focusing on training and acquisition of more knowledge to improve my competence. There may be opportunities to improve my professional profile, through training, workshops and growth plans within the workplace and I will take advantage of this to achieve your goals.
One of the most important but daunting tasks in the first year is creating and managing impressions this influences other people’s perceptions. There are supervisors and managers who are likely making observations and judgment about one’s likelihood to succeed. I will pay attention to even little things and building effective relationships to succeed in the workplace. Making positive first impressions requires that one is open-minded and observant, but if one has few opportunities to show that they can lead and are result driven it is less likely that they will create a first good impression.
3. SWOT Analysis Worksheet (Phase 2) (separate page)
STRENGTHS (internal)
Competencies in high demand in the industry
Commitment to my professional career.
Acquired knowledge on career management aptitude.
I excel working in teams

WEAKNESSES (internal)
Insufficient work experience in the sector or industry.
English is my second language and this may affect communication.
Lack of

High demand for professionals knowledgeable on Career development, and human resource (HR).
Training and workshops to improve competency and skills.
Free online courses to improve my knowledge and competencies.
Job opportunities in diverse industries

THREATS (external)
Job competition and instability.
Few job training opportunities in the 1st year
A shrinking labor market in a changing economy.
Interpersonal work or family relationships that have become difficult.
Interpersonal work or family relationships that affect work.

Year #51. S.M.A.R.T. Goal(s):
My goal is to develop skills in career management and HR management. In five years, I will have gained experience and the required qualifications. I will look for opportunities to obtain more experience and take on more responsibilities to achieve this goal.
2. Narrative:
Strengths reflect the resources and skills that one has acquired professionally and these skills can be from experience, knowledge, courses and training. Since weaknesses place one in an unfavorable position with respect to one’s peers, I will evaluate areas that will affect my...
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