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Managing Change and Evaluating Solutions

Essay Instructions:

Part 1 - Change Management Plan

The purpose of this assignment is to clearly articulate the specific strategies and methods that will be utilized to manage the organizational changes associated with implementing the problem solution you have selected.

Write 250-500 words that explain how you will address the following organizational issues prior to implementing the problem solution you have selected.

1. Creating employee buy-in (What's in it for me?) to address the problem using your solution.

2. Resources (systems, technology, training, etc.) needed to implement the solution.

3. Methods for addressing employee resistance to change.

This summary will be used as part of the Business Proposal Presentation in Topic 7 and the Final Business Proposal you submit in Topic 8.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Part 2 - Solution Evaluation Tools

The purpose of this assignment is to explain how you will evaluate and measure the success of the problem solution you intend to implement in the organization.

Write 250 words that explain how you will measure whether or not the solution is successful in addressing the problem and meeting the needs of the business, employees, and customers. Success can be measured using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

This summary will be used as part of the Business Proposal Presentation in Topic 7 and the Final Business Proposal you submit in Topic 8.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


Read "How to Get Real Buy-In for Your Idea," by Hedges (2015), located on the Forbes website.



Read "Change Management Requires Leadership Clarity and Alignment," by Llopis (2014), located on the Forbes website.



Read "10 Principles of Leading Change Management," by Aguirre and Alpern (2014), located on the Strategy + Business website.



Read "3 Ways to Determine Project Success," by Gilbertson (2015), located on the Sundog Interactive website.



Read "Measuring Project Success Using Business KPIs," by Parker (2014), located on the PM Times website.



Read "How to Reduce Employee Resistance to Change," by Heathfield (2017), located on The Balance website.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Managing Change and Evaluating Solutions
Student’s Name
Managing Change and Evaluating Solutions
Part 1: Change Management
Employee Buy-in
Successful implementation of organizational change depends highly on the ability to create employee buy-in. This refers to employees’ support of and commitment to the proposed change, even when they do not fully agree with the change (Gigliotti et al., 2018). Organizational leadership is crucial in creating employee buy-in because employees are likely to support the change when they trust their leaders and believe that the decision to change will improve the organization’s general performance. Strategically, using effective communication can create employee buy-in. This is because effective communication provides employees with clarity about the change and why it needs to happen (Heyden et al., 2017). The proposed change to increase engagement among millennials and gen-Z job prospects involves embracing innovative technology and investing in research and consultancy. To gain support from employees at all organizational levels, communication about the need for change and the benefits associated with the change will be necessary. Employees will need to be informed that through the proposed change, there will be improved engagement and productivity. Also, it should be communicated to them that ultimately, the organization will save a lot of money because it will be able to retain the best talents.
Organizational change requires access to resources to facilitate the required change. Stouten, Rousseau, and De Cremer (2018) suggest that stakeholders who control necessary resources within the organization should be engaged before the change can be implemented. To implement the suggested solution for improved employee engagement, the first step will be to assess the available resources. For instance, how many resources does the organization have in terms of innovative technology? Once this is determined, if additional resources are needed, then the organization needs to first acquire the resources. Stouten, Rousseau, and De Cremer (2018) indicate that when organizational resources for the change are insufficient, making drastic changes can be a recipe for failure. The proposed change is capital-intensive because investing in research and consultancy and embracing innovative technology is not a mean feat. It might require more time to bring shareholders and other power holders onboard regarding the monetary resources needed to drive change. However, it can be shown that the benefits associated with the change outweigh the cost. Ultimately, those in control of the resources will see the need to make the investments.
Addressing Resistance to Change
Dealing with resistance to change is part of change management and several methods can be utilized. One, organizations can enhance employee involvement and participation. Hussain et al. (2018) indicate that involving employees and enabling them to participate in the change process can help them commit to the change. For effective...
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