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Smart Goal: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will create a decision matrix and write a short paper discussing your decision-making process. Please follow the steps below.

1. For this assignment, please review the video and article located at this link from Mindtools: https://www(dot)mindtools(dot)com/pages/article/newTED_03.htm (Links to an external site.)

2. Identify an academic or career-related decision that you either need to make now, or will need to make in the near future. Please make sure that this is a decision with at least 3 potential choices to choose from, and multiple factors influencing your decision.

3. Identify one (1) S.M.A.R.T. goal associated with your decision. List your S.M.A.R.T. goal at the top of your paper.

4. Complete the decision matrix worksheet below:

DecisionMatrixAnalysisWorksheet-1.pdfPreview the document

5. Develop a 1-2 page paper (double-spaced) discussing the following topics. The paper length of 1-2 pages should be where you answer questions like the ones below. The 1-2 pages does NOT count your decision-making matrix:

The details surrounding your academic/career decision

How you identified the factors that you used to judge/measure each potential choice

Your results

Your thoughts on the results

Did this clarify or complicate your decision?

Do you agree with the results? Why or why not? Explain.

Your S.M.A.R.T. goal associated with this decision, how this goal will help you, and how you will achieve this goal.

6. Submit your decision-making matrix worksheet and paper as one document. You can make your own decision-making matrix instead of using the one in the PDF as long as they look the same.

Please submit your paper as a Word document or PDF and adhere to the following format:

12-point font

1 inch margins

In-text citations when necessary (include a reference list if applicable)

Word or PDF format

Your paper will be graded on the following criteria:

Content (meaningful discussion, addressing major questions posed)

Inclusion of all required sections

Grammar, spelling, punctuation

Adherence to formatting guidelines

Essay Sample Content Preview:

SMART goal: Find a job in HR that provides me opportunities to learn, gain experience, skills and competencies 1 year after graduation, so that I can a HR manager later on.
Your thoughts on the results
 I have identified the factors that are likely to influence my career progression and meeting my career goals in HRM. Gaining experience will make it easier for me to work as a human resource manager as I will have a proven track record. I focused on strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. I focused on strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. The Human Resources department connects the senior management profiles with the rest of the workforce, so it should align decisions with the overall strategy at all times, and analyzing possible situations to improve competitiveness.
Did this clarify or complicate your decision?
The results clarify my decision and I need to search more on what affects career progression and professional development. Getting the right job is the first step before attaining more professional knowledge, experiences, and training that complement management and ...
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