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Manager's Influence Tactics and Sources of Power

Essay Instructions:

In preparation for the SLP, make sure you have a thorough grasp of the terminology from the main sources of power and types of power tactics. Once you are comfortable with the terminology and concepts from the background materials, think of a manager that you worked with closely who held a fair amount of power at the organization you worked for. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing each of the following questions. For each answer, make sure to cite at least one reference.

What were this manager’s main sources of power? Include a discussion of reward power, legitimate power, and expert power as well as other sources of power.

Discuss some influence tactics used by this manager. Include a discussion about whether or not this manager used the influence tactics.

Did this manager make good use of their sources of power and influence tactics, or did they misuse or abuse their power?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Preparation for the SLP
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Question 1
My boss's principal sources of authority are legal authority, professional authority, reward power, and referent power. My boss, the highest-ranking enlisted member of our squadron, is the general enlisted authority reporting to our Commanding Officer and exerting significant influence on him. His role is comparable to a regional manager position in a sales organization, where he oversees 300+ employees (Okolie, 2021). He has rightful authority because of his position. We are a part of an Air Communications Squadron that is in charge of the weapon system network for key commands. This network oversees our country's nuclear weapon capability's safety, security, and facilitation. During his 22 years in the Air Force, 17 of those years were spent in an Air Communications unit, according to my supervisor (Schildt, Mantere, & Cornelissen, 2020). In our squadron, he is the go-to person for many problems since he is the subject matter expert in those areas. He also plays a supervisory role in the process. His professional authority stems from this. The tremendous relationships he has built up throughout our command are what give my boss his referent power. People want to work in a setting where there is trust. He nearly seems like the father of a large family to us. He welcomes people of all ranks and maintains an open-door policy. He is the element that keeps our squadron's tight-knit community together. Even in difficult times, we are content. He is fun to work for, and I appreciate him as a mentor.
He always has everyone's best interests in mind while using his reward power. While he cannot promote or award anybody in his current post, he can and does exert influence over the superior officers who can. He genuinely cares about the things that matter to us; therefore, instead of always giv...
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