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Essay Instructions:



 Write a Marketing E-mail: Individually, write an email marketing letter from the point of view of your position.  For example: if you are a Product Manager, how would this position market the product, plus answering a-d, below. If you are the Accountant for the company, how would you market the financial benefits of your company, plus answer a-c, below. If you are the Sales Manager, are you marketing to other sales people or to consumers, plus answer questions a-d, below. (SEE: MARKETING E-mail TEMPLATE, below.) 
2. Note: New information should be presented. Do NOT repeat information already presented in previous assignments, such as the mission statement or job description.  Documents should be double spaced, 1 double spaced pages =1-email screen. Please adhere to the rules of complete sentence structure, grammar and usage.
3. Information about the assignment:a. Write the marketing email: What is the product? If there is a similar product in the marketplace, how will you differentiate your product from the competition? (Remember: be positive. Do NOT mention the competition.) What are the benefits/application benefits of your product? Do NOT diminish the competition.  Discuss YOUR company and department. Know about the competition if it comes up in conversation.  Do NOT write it down on paper.b. Who are you targeting? What type of client? For example: if you are a Quality Control Manager, how would you market your department’s processes and procedures to a buyer? How would you market the expertise of your staff? If you are a Logistics Manager, how do you dispense, track, and follow-up the delivery of the service or product.c. Which social media site would work best for your division’s/ department’s plan?  How does your organization use the latest and greatest technology / customer care techniques to benefit clients/customers?  For example, as a Product Manager, what types of technology do you have in place to ensure such areas as: product excellence, on-time delivery dates, universal sizing. (These are just examples.)d. NOTE: INCLUDE INFORMATION THAT IS NEW.  DO NOT REPEAT INFORMATION ALREADY PRESENTED IN PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENTS (Mission Statement and Job Description). All work must be original work.e. This is NOT a financial spreadsheet assignment. Please write clear, complete, concise sentences.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
To: Who is going to receive this email? Use recipient’s name.

From: The Marketing Manager

Sent: Day, Date, Time

Subject: Thermal Heat Vision Glass (THVG)




Attention getting statement: The purpose of this email is to focus on the company’s services to provide safety for all motorized transportation and, keep drivers of automobiles, boats and planes informed about these services and build loyalty.


Summary of Company:

Thermal Heat Vision Glass (THVG) seeks to provide safety for drivers of motorized transportation. The headquarters is in New York City, while the distribution, manufacturing and support center is in Houston, Texas. We will fill the gap found in the transportation industry by focusing on safety, technical and operational services of transport services. As a result of our success in the motorized transport-industry the company will conform to the principles of safety and efficiency to broaden our market reach.

What sets the department in the company apart from the rest:  

The marketing department has developed appropriate strategies to maintain the organization’s brand image, vision and values โ€‹โ€‹of the company. Besides creating appropriate promotion and advertising campaigns, marketing strategies have been identified based on whether they meet the needs of the s of the target audience.   THVG uses novel technology to ensure that safety is maintained at all times. Furthermore, the company employs people based on the scope of their...
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