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Why Companies Adopted Lean Thinking and JIT Model?

Essay Instructions:

Essay Topics: In The Lake of the Woods

A main objective of this project is to comment on the cultural context of In The Lake of the Woods. You should read this novel not only as a mystery story, but as a commentary on the world we live in.

Internet sources accepted only where indicated in the topic. Rely primarily on the text of the novel. Whatever your topic, you should offer a global interpretation of the novel in your paper. Link your commentary to the overall project undertaken by O’Brien in his novel.

Your paper should include specific references to O’Brien’s text, and to outside sources you consult. (Outside sources required for one topic.)

1. Thematic study: Having finished reading In The Lake of the Woods, choose a theme running through the novel, then revisit the text to find eight to ten key passages related to your topic. Comment on the ways the theme appears in the novel; then link the theme to a global interpretation of O’Brien’s book.

Here are several possible themes; feel free to define your own theme, but let me know what you plan to work on.

magic (relationships, politics, character development) love (erotic, public, political)

glide (dissociation, memory, responsibility)

loss (sources, fear, consequences)

mirrors (tricks, internalization, illusion)

Key passages should be no more than a page long. Use key words from these passages to structure your writing. (No outside sources for this topic.)




4-6 pages in standard class format (estimate)


In class for the editing workshop.

Final version must be submitted electronically by 11 p.m. on the due

date listed on the web page.


200 points maximum for this essay

In-class workshops add points to the overall project


Do not quote extensively from the novel. Use words, phrases, sentences only. Cite pages in the text using MLA conventions.

Do not plagiarize.

Works Cited

Provide a Works Cited list at the end of your paper. Use MLA guidelines. (I recommend using easybib.com or another online citation engine. Do not autocite. Fill the information in manually.)



Do not transcribe conversation. Do not retell the story.

Use ideas to structure your essay. Use formal register and diction.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lean Thinking and Just-In-Time Models
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Lean Thinking and Just-In-Time Models
Why Companies Adopted Lean Thinking and JIT Model?
Lean is a rational concept of performing a business activity to organize human activities to produce an enormous profit to society, value individuals, and eliminate waste. The company adopted lean thinking due to the following reasons: Ensuring quality services in customers' value creation across various perspectives, and aiming to focus on business operations that add essential values to the customer to improve efficiency, identify waste, and eliminate it by improvising measures to prevent occurrence. Just-in-Time is a business model created in Japan Toyota and was adopted by the company to increase efficiency and reduce waste by receiving commodities only when they are in demand in the production process (Nikiforova & Bicevska, 2020). Furthermore, the company wanted to remove debris resulting from overproduction, delaying in material supply, holding excess inventories, and accurately forecasting their requirements.
Discuss Major Types of Waste that Firms Have to Consider During Production
There are various types of wastes that a company has faced. These include (a) overproduction which refers to excessive production of more than what is needed by customers leading to waste, (b) task switching that can be termed as assigning multiple works to an employee, causing disruption and gaps ...
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