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Leaked Memo from Google on Anti-diversity and Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Reading materials:
1. To Retain Employees, Focus on Inclusion - Not Just Diversity, by Karen Brown https://hbr(dot)org/2018/12/to-retain-employees-focus-on-inclusion-not-just-diversity
2. Why Diversity Programs Fail, by Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev https://hbr(dot)org/2016/07/why-diversity-programs-fail
3. Google LLC: The Diversity Manifesto and Leader Candour
4. A Survey of 19 Countries Shows How Generations X, Y, and Z Are - and Aren't - Different By Henrik Bresman, Vinika D Rao https://hbr(dot)org/2017/08/a-survey-of-19-countries-shows-how-generations-x-y-and-z-are-and-arent-different
5. Inclusion at Work and Why This is an Important Behavior for a Manager https://drcraignathanson(dot)com/inclusion-work-important-behavior-manager/
From your reading, discuss the following questions:
- What does diversity mean?
- What can Google leadership learn from their leaked memo on anti-diversity?
- Which elements should be in place for people to feel included and appreciated at work?
- From your reading which barriers prevent people from being open to differences in others?
- What was your key learning from this paper?
Avoid using quotes from the articles. Explain the concepts in your own words and use proper citations and references. Use personal voice e.g. I agree, I feel, I believe, etc., and real-life examples from your experience.

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Diversity in the workplace refers to a company practice that deliberately recruits a workforce of individuals with distinct characteristics: sexual orientation, education, religion, race, and other attributes. In other words, it entails fostering an inclusive working environment, accepting every individual’s dissimilarity, helping employees achieve their full capabilities, and the organization thrives (Bresman & Rao, 2017). Most business leaders comprehend the importance of diversity in the workplace (Brown, 2018). They know that having a diverse workforce is crucial and critical in determining whether their business may progress or retrogress.
Creating a workplace where individuals can freely express themselves without fear of baseless criticism results in happy and productive employees (Brown, 2018). However, businesses started to focus more on diversity after many high-profile lawsuits marred the financial industry (Lirio et al., 2020). In the early 2000s, Merrill Lynch, Smith Barney, and Morgan Stanley parted with more than $150 million to settle sex discrimination claims. Presently, Wall Street firms require new employees to agree and sign arbitration contracts accepting not to engage in class actions (Bresman & Rao, 2017).
To curb the problems emanating from a diverse workforce, organizations have deployed diversity programs to increase diversity and reduce discrimination based on any issue. For example the recent case of a leaked memo from Google on anti-diversity, Google leadership can employ diversity programs instead of firing the responsible employees. Problems like this may occur due to companies not providing diverse training to their employees who might be having a steadfast belief about a particular kind of people.
People who are biased toward others tend to have a steadfast belief about a particular group of people. This can be based on gender, political, race, and so forth. However, I have realized that many biases happen because people are misinformed about some things or others. This can prevent people from being open to differences in others (Bresman & Rao, 2017). For example, when you read the names Sam, Juan, Emera, Tong, Musa, Mohamed, which first thoughts come to mind? Write them down. If you wrote something down, those thoughts would prevent you from being open to those with those names while having a conversation. However, you never wrote anything; the chances are that maybe it is because of a lack of information. This may partly prevent your interaction with people bearing those names because you lack any pre-informed information about them. Personal biases normally cripple individual capabilities from being open to differences in others (Lirio et al., 2020). However, the more an individual becomes ...
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