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Leader's Role in Vision Development and Proactive and Reactive Elements in Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Given what you read in the required article this week and what you learned from the positions presented by your colleagues in the discussion topic, complete a journal assignment that answers the following questions: (a) For organizational change to be successful, what role should a leader take in vision development? (b) How would you weave proactive and reactive elements into the planning and implementation of an organizational change effort? Please include reference page

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8-2 Journal: Vision and Change
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The Role should take of the Leader in Vision Development
Influential organizational change leaders embody corporate identity; espouse change visions and role-model change enactment (Jacobs et al., 2013). One of the roles a leader should take in vision development is creating the vision by leading the discussion. When creating a vision, the leader should first understand the vision and identify the methods of communicating it (Hussain et al., 2018). A good vision inspires when it reflects the reality, values, beliefs, and guiding principles of the employees. Therefore, an organizational leader must ensure that the established vision acts to ensure the success of the organizational change.
Another role is communicating the vision. Leaders must share their vision and communicate it properly to ensure that every employee understands its meaning. Providing accurate information to the staff regarding the change efforts, including the need for the change, actions to be taken to ensure change, and the benefits of change, and the risks associated with lack of change provides a clear roadmap to employees, leading to less resistance (Jacobs et al., 2013). Sharing the vision can motivate the employees to work passionately to achieve a common goal. The result is that every employee participates in the organization's forward momentum.
Another role is to enforce the vision. Translating a vision into execution is one of the leaders' most significant actions to ensure organizational change success. Hussain et al. (2018) demonstrated that effective change leaders focus on getting things done to succeed in promoting organizational change. They also monitor the implementation to ensure progress (Jacobs et al., 2013). Leaders have the power to bring every stakeholder on board to ensure that the vision is enforced. Implementing the vision and encouraging em...
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