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Leadership Style and Personality and Personal Strengths

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the below questions... You may submit this either as a word doc or a pdf OR just write into the text box for this assignment

1) Think about your own leadership style as well as your own personality and personal strengths that you can use as you move into positions that require you to be an effective leader . You should have taken a leadership skills assessment this week, so discuss those results. Also, if you have taken a Myers Briggs or Strengths Inventory or other personality or strengths assessment measure then use those results to inform this section as well. Write down your leadership STRENGTHS and also what you consider to be your areas of WEAKNESS in the area of leadership (these will be the areas to develop)

2). Identify an individual that you trust and ask them for their feedback on what your personal leadership strengths are and what areas you might need to develop further. Write down their thoughts.

3). Identify at least TWO leadership development goals that you would like to set for yourself and write those down. Be sure that your goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Limited)

4). Based on the goals that you want to achieve, create a clear action plan of the steps that you will take to meet your goals. Be sure to be specific and list details about the exact steps that you will take to achieve your goals. You need to set realistic time frames for completing each step. (you will be creating at least three steps for each of your TWO goals). Write this down.

5). Create a realistic timeline for working on/achieving these goals and re-assessing. Write down any incentives that you can use to motivate you to follow this plan...

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Question Responses
Question Responses
Question 1
I carried out a personality assessment using the Big Five Traits approach. Specifically, my personality assessment reflected several strengths that indicate I can make an efficient leader. I measured the extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness personality factors and established important results that reflect my capacity to lead and leadership weaknesses that require critical improvement. For instance, the assessment revealed that I’m always sociable, meaning I can fit in any social context and interact with others freely on any topic. Secondly, I’m always open to accepting my mistakes. This was my favorite strength during the assessment. I also learned that I’m relatively informed, which is crucial for effective leadership. However, the leadership assessment revealed that I’m somewhat indecisive as I rarely make independent decisions leading to positive impact. This is a weakness that limits my leadership strengths.
Question 2
My peers have different viewpoints concerning my leadership strengths. For example, I approached one of them and asked them to explain their thoughts. Most importantly, the individual claimed that I’m farsighted or visionary, intuitive, good at discovering and reading people’s minds, and good at balancing relationships among team members. Despite their thoughts about my leadership capability, there are several potential areas to improve. Specifically, I always encounter difficulties in a tough scenario or dilemma requiring a better conclusion or decision. I look forward to being more assertive and trying hard to cope with tough daily situations. This will help improve my leadership effectiveness.
Question 3
The first leadership development goal is enhancing communication skills. Any leader needs thes...
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