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Selection Interview

Essay Instructions:

Selection Interview

Purpose: HR professionals must be able to develop a professional, legally defensible structured selection interview using up-to-date job information. A structured interview has questions that are directly related to the job and have a process for evaluating the quality of applicant’s response to the questions. The following exercise will give you practice in developing a structured interview. A well-designed interview will use different types of questions to provide a more complete assessment of the candidate. A Situational question is based on a job task, a Behavioral question is based on a KSAO and a fit question is based on an important job demand. All questions should have a structured process for scoring applicant responses using the 1-3-5 scoring format.

Project Steps

Use the information from Project I. You may need to talk to your SME for additional information concerning the job to do this project. Select an important task, KSAO and demand with which you will develop interview questions for that job. Consider percentage weights to focus your questions on the most important aspects of the job.

Answer the question on structured interviews

Complete the interview template Project II Template.docx by providing the job title and company of the job and interview questions as described below.

a Situational question based on a Job Task

a Behavioral question based on a KSAO

a Fit question based on a Job Demand

Provide a structured scoring key for each question

Create a 2 item Situational Judgment test with 1 knowledge question and 1 behavioral intention question. Each question should include 4 possible answers with the correct answer noted.

Note: There is no paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part 2: Selection Interview Template
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructors Name
Part 2: Selection Interview Template
Question 1: In 100 words, describe the value of a structured interview in contrast to an unstructured interview (provide references). You may use bullet points.
Structured interviews are a valuable tool for HR professionals in the selection process. Unlike unstructured interviews, which are more open-ended and can lead to subjective assessments, structured interviews have a set of pre-determined questions that are linked to the job criteria. Structured interviews allow for a standardized, consistent, and objective evaluation of candidates, leading to better hiring decisions (Chauhan, 2022). The use of a scoring key ensures that all candidates are evaluated based on the same criteria, reducing the risk of bias or discrimination. Structured interviews have higher reliability and validity compared to unstructured interviews. Therefore, they provide an accurate assessment of candidates. Therefore, structured interviews are recommended for selecting job candidates to ensure fairness and objectivity in the hiring process.
Job Title: Regional Sales Manager  Company: New Dawn Candle Manufacturers
1 Job Task
Situational Question
Imagine that you have been given the task of developing a marketing strategy for a new product launch. You have a limited budget and a tight deadline. How would you approach this task? Please describe your thought process and the steps you would take to complete this project within the given constraints.
5- The candidate demonstrates a strong understanding of the task, provides a clear and concise plan of action, and considers both the budget and deadline.
3- The candidate demonstrates some understanding of the task and provides a general plan of action but does not consider all factors.
1- The candidate has a poor understanding of the task, does not provide a clear plan of action or does not consider the budget and deadline.
Behavioral Question
Tell me about a time when you had to communicate a complex idea to a team that had varying le...
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