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Leadership Skills of Two Leaders from Different Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Leadership Analysis Paper

For this Portfolio Project paper, you will choose two leaders, one male and one female. These two leaders do not need to be from the same organization. One leader should be what you would consider "effective and successful" and the other should be what you would consider "ineffective and unsuccessful."

Compare these two leaders regarding their leadership characteristics, use of power and influence, and how these relate to their effectiveness or lack of effectiveness within their respective organization.

The entire portfolio project is worth 35% of your overall grade for this course. Make sure to use research to back up your statements within the paper. You will need to address each of the following as they relate to your two leaders. Each element is worth equal value.


A brief background and organizational framework for each leader, including job title and general description, industry in which they work, number of subordinates they supervise, and their leadership level within the organization (lower level, middle level, executive level)

A comparison of the techniques used by each leader to gain power in his or her role within the organization

A comparison of how subordinates relate to each leader, including how much influence the subordinates have on each leader

An analysis of how each leader uses influence to change the behavior of other leaders, co-workers, and subordinates within the organization

A comparison of the techniques used by each leader to influence employee motivation

An analysis of self-destructive tendencies (dark characteristics) of each leader, and how these tendencies affect the organization

A comparison of how each leader rewards employees, and how effective the reward systems are

An analysis of which leadership theory best describes each leader and the reasons why you selected the leadership theory based on research


Your paper must be 8-10 pages in length, not counting the required title, abstract (Links to an external site.), and reference pages.

You must back up your analysis with at least six references not used as required or recommended readings in this course. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these sources. You may also use additional credible sources including newspapers, trade journals, government reports, and white papers. You may not use Wikipedia in any CSU Global course. You may use course required or recommended readings as additional sources over the required six references.

Include a cover page denoting the paper title, your name, the course number and name, your instructor's name, and the date you are making the submission.

Include an outline or table of contents.

Include a brief abstract statement summarizing your hypothesis or findings.

Conform to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Use APA citations where appropriate, and include an APA- formatted reference page at the end.

Review the Portfolio Project Rubric for more information on how you will be graded on this assignment. Reach out to your instructor with any questions.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Analysis Paper
Colorado State University Global
ORG515: Dynamics of Power in Organizations
Leadership is an integral element of organizational operations. Different leaders apply different leadership skills that allow them to either succeed or fail in their endeavors. There are great leaders who failed in some ways but somehow managed to maintain a good record with their employees and the public at large. This paper examines the leadership of Koffi Annan and that of Condoleezza Rice and the different chievements they made. The paper also examines the leadership style they applied. It begins by giving a brief history of each individual, their academic backgrounds, and career histories. It then delves into the different milestones thay achieved during their tenures. It is amazing to learn that a great leader as Koffi Annan had considerable failures. It is also great to learn that he received a Nobel award for his outstanding performance. The paper also focuses on Condoleezza Rice and finishes with her current occupation. There is a contrast on how Rice was consistent, yet,never reached the levels of Kofi Annan’s achievements.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Kofi Annan PAGEREF _Toc63643129 \h 4Activities PAGEREF _Toc63643130 \h 5Recommendations for Reforms at the UN PAGEREF _Toc63643131 \h 6The Millennium Development Goals PAGEREF _Toc63643132 \h 6The UN Global Compact PAGEREF _Toc63643133 \h 7The Establishment of the Global Fund PAGEREF _Toc63643134 \h 7Failures PAGEREF _Toc63643135 \h 7Condoleezza Rice PAGEREF _Toc63643136 \h 8Transformational Diplomacy PAGEREF _Toc63643137 \h 9Adaptability PAGEREF _Toc63643138 \h 10References PAGEREF _Toc63643139 \h 12
Kofi Annan
Kofi was born in a region called the Kofandros. The area was in Kumasi, Ghana (the former Gold Coast). He was born in April 8th, 1938 and had a twin sister named Efua Ataa. Efua passed away relatively early in 1991, leaving him as the only one surviving of the pair (Kofi Annan, 2015).
In the naming traditions of the Akan, the naming of children is in accordance with the day of the week that each child is born. They are also named according to the number of children preceding them. Kofi in Akan corresponds with Friday (Kofi Annan, 2015).
Between the years of 1954 and 1957, Kofi enrolled in and graduated from the Mfantsipim school. The school was an elite Methodist school located in the Cape Coast (Kofi Annan, 2015). The school started in the 1870s and was quite prestigious. He passionately claimed that Mfantsipim taught him "that suffering anywhere concerns individuals everywhere." Annan graduated from the school in 1957, the same year the Gold Coast gained independence and changed its name to Ghana (Kofi Annan, 2018).
In 1958, Annan enrolled for a course in economics at the Kumasi College of Science and Technology. Kumasi College is presently the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology of Ghana. Annan benefitted from a Ford Foundation grant that allowed him to complete his undergraduate education in Economics. This time he studied at the Macalester College, located in St. Paul, Minnesota, in the U.S, in 1961. He went on to pursue a Diplôme d'études Approfondies DEA degree in International Relations This time, he studied at The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1962. He worked for some years then went on to study at the MIT Sloan School of Management from 1971 to 1972 in the Sloan Fellows program, where he graduated with a Master's degree in management. He spoke fluent English and French. He also spoke his native language of Akan and other Kru languages among some native African languages.
Kofi Annan’s first job was a Budget Officer for the World Health Organization, a position he assumed in 1962. He traveled back to Ghana, where he was appointed as the Director of Tourism between 1974 and 1976. He later joined the United Nations’ High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in 1980, working as the head of personnel for the Geneva office. In 1983 he got promoted to the position of the director of administrative management services of the UN Secretariat. This time he was transferred to New York. Later in the 80s, he was appointed as the Assistant Secretary-General of the UN, handling three main positions of Human Resources, Security Coordinator, and Management from 1987 to 1990; Controller, Program Planning, and Budget and Finance, from 1990 to 1992; and Peacekeeping Operations from March 1993 to December 1996. In 1993, he got appointed to oversee the Department of Peacekeeping established in 1992 by Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the serving Secretary-General. He started as the deputy to the then Secretary-General, Marrick Goulding. He headed the peacekeeping mission and was in charge at the time the mission failed in Somalia (UNOSOM II) and also led the mission at the time of the Rwandese Genocide in 1994.
Kofi Annan served as the seventh UN Secretary-General from January 1997 to December 2006. He managed to get some awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with the UN in 2001. He engaged in several activities that contributed significantly to his success at the organization. Some of the activities include the following:
Recommendations for Reforms at the UN
Upon assuming office in 1997, he released two reports that focused on the management reforms. His recommendations included introducing Strategic Management that aimed at strengthening the unity of purpose, establishing the position of the UN Deputy Secretary-General, a 10% reduction of positions, a reduction of the administrative costs, consolidation of the UN at country levels, and reaching out to the civil societies and the private sector as partners. He also proposed to hold a Millennial Summit in 2000. He presented a progress report after several years upon conducting sufficient research. He also recommended the Security Council expansion and a several other UN reforms. On 31 January 2006, shared his vision for a comprehensive and extensive reform of the UN. This occurred when he was making a policy speech to the UN Association in the UK (Barana, n.d.). It is also notable that the speech was made on the 60th anniversary of the UN from its first meeting. He also proposed for the overhauling of UN Secretariat in March, 2006. He also advocated for the updating of the UN Secretariat work programs globally.
The Millennium Development Goals
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are probably the most famous on Kofi Annan’s tenure. Annan tabled a report that debated for the transformation of the living conditions to improve them after having been in existence for at least fifty years before the millennium. His goal was to have the UN assess and transform its operations. The delegates adopted the Millennium Declaration, leading to a successful advocacy attempt by Annan. The delegates committed to a new global partnership that aimed at reducing poverty and setting out a series of time-bound targets. The targets helped to coin the name of the Millennium Development Goals.
The UN Global Compact
Kofi Annan, in his address at The World Economic Forum on January 1999, Annan argued that the UN’s goals and those of business can be mutually supportive. He proposed that the private sector and the UN initia...
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