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Leadership Plan

Essay Instructions:

Please write a paper about the detailed leadership plan based on the contents of the three analysis forms

One is SWOT analysis form, and Development Goal and plans from, Improving personal leadership skills goals and plan form

Develop a personal leadership statement that articulates the principles that will influence your actions and beliefs as you engage in the process of leadership. This is a personal statement and should represent your unique philosophy of leadership, both in content and form. You must include some discussion how you intend to measure your progress as you move forward. There are no format restrictions for this part of the assignment and you are welcome and encouraged to utilize your creative energy in the expression of your thoughts and ideas. If you do select an artistic medium for your project, you must attach a brief written explanation that connects the artwork to your core principles and values

1. Personal Analysis 2. Objectives for Personal Development 3. Action Plan

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Plan
Name Course Instructor Date
Developing a plan to build leadership is essential to improve my leadership skills and achieve my goals. Leaders make things happen, and leaders have a vision, take initiatives to influence peoples, oversee change management, organize and, solve problems (Ruben & Gigliotti, 2016). The relevance of strategic planning as a guiding element in management and leadership as a leader is more proactive, and there is a sense of direction. I will formulate an action plan detailing how I will improve leadership skills and work closely with others to achieve organizational and professional goals. Skills development combined with improved development and professional development is required to improve my ability to lead and manage.
Based on my SWOT analysis, one of my weaknesses is a reluctance to change, and this is partly because I do not like uncertainty. However, while working I would encounter situations and issues that were anticipated, and I am more focused on improving my analytical skills. The skills are useful in planning and aid in decision-making since there is a greater focus on getting the expected results and managing risks. I will provide more feedback to team members, and as I support open communication, it will give me insights on whether there is a need for changes to improve outcomes. Being open to embracing change is beneficial, and one way to address this will be to evaluate the barriers to changes and new ideas, including organizational and individual factors. Leaders are change agents, and seeking opportunities where I help implement changes will make it easier for me how changes affect people and processes.
One of the objectives for personal development is to improve on team working skills, while also working on other skills to make me a more effective leader. I need to work for teamwork for cohesion to improve the functioning of the groups and teams while guiding others. This is possible as there is a focus on learning and relearning in the face of new challenges. Thus, I need to lead teams and gain experience on how to manage teamwork, improve my communication skills, negotiation skills and learn to improve team cohesion. Visualizing an ideal leadership team where there is a focus on what teams can achieve skills, and how leaders will be committed to common goals is beneficial.
Every team must have a leader to whom the rest report directly. However, teams are often made up of people from different organizations or departments, in which case it is necessary to determine who the leader is. An effective leader is in a position to show the team objectives, directs and inspires others to take action. Being in more positions where I will be a team leader will help me learn how to improve team effort and ensure people are committed to achieving common goals. Open communication, feedback, and relationship building make it easier to ensure commitment and supports strategic decisions (Men, 2014). Thus, improving my teambuilding and communication skills will help to maintain professional enthusiasm and development.
Training and learning in leadership development programs and being highly committed to binge a better leader is one way to improve leadership skills and ability to influence change. The case for training is to improve my leadership skills and competence, which will make it easier to...
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