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Management Plan Should be Implemented

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This Makes Scents
This Makes Scents
1. Jessie and Ashton had offered Sandra more money to stay in her current role with the company. What problems could have occurred if Sandra had accepted their offer?
If Sandra had accepted Jessie's and Ashton's, it would have led to a few company problems. Firstly, increasing Sandra's hourly rate would motivate other employees to demand an increase as well. Jessie and Ashton would be in a precarious position because if they increased the pay of one employee and failed to increase wages for others, it would seem unfair. The company's financial situation would also have been affected because if they yielded to the ripple effect of increasing the hourly rate for every employee, that would be an unplanned expense. The new employees would also demand equal pay as their existing colleagues for similar work. Another problem would be that Sandra's morale would be low because the reasons for her leaving would not have entirely addressed. For instance, the new job offered her more responsibility and room for career growth, but that would not happen if she stayed, affecting her output.
2. What unique benefits could This Makes Scents offer employees? Why did you select these items?
This Makes Scents should think about adding their employees' benefits to improve morale and reduce employee turnover. Al Mamun and Hasan (2017) say that one of the benefits to employees is increased wages as profits grow. According to the information given, the company has been on a continuous growth path due to employees' work. Therefore it would improve employee morale if the company increased its wages as profits grew as appreciation for their company's input. Another benefit for employees would be giving them health insurance covers to safeguard their health and make them feel safe working. This makes Scents incorporate a suggestion box that would make it easier for employees to give ideas and their complaints to improve the work environment. The company should provide its employees with a performance bonus that will show that it appreciates its employees, which will motivate them to work harder to get better bonuses.
3. If a second location opens, how should new sales clerks be trained? Explain why this is the preferred method.
The best way to train new employees for a new shop with the same positions, products, and services as the existing one is to put them under existing employees' wings. After orientation, new employees should be placed under existing employees to observe and learn what happens on the job (Kathy Ma, Mayfield, & Mayfield, 2018). Before deployment, the new employees should shadow the existing employees in their respective positions. This method is because existing employees have adequate knowledge of the company's working and would help pass that knowledge to newcomers. Also, they know areas of challenge and can equip new employees with problem-solving skills. Some company operations are tailor suited for that organization; hence opening a similar shop would require the procedures and operations ...
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