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Journal 7
Essay Instructions:
Weekly Internship Journal Post
250-400 words/weekly post:
organize (use paragraph breaks to separate points)
revise for clarity
This weekly assignment serves two purposes: to help you keep track of your tasks, accomplishments, and insights and knowledge gained; and to keep your instructor informed about your progress, challenges, and what you are busy with at your placement.
Both of these outcomes depend on content and clarity. Be specific in your descriptions of projects, use examples, include images (if relevant), use names and references as appropriate. Refer to your coworkers by name and role, name products or services correctly, refer to vendors by name, etc. Details matter, especially if you want to go back later on and talk about a specific project you worked on.
Begin by reviewing your initial Short Essay about Learning Goals and Interests. Remind yourself what you were hoping to gain from the experience. Consider whether you are on track, or whether your expectations have changed.
For each post, follow this format:
Begin with:
Numbers of hours interned this week
Total number of internship hours worked so far
In each post, answer the following questions:
What specific projects did you work on (and with whom? where? what did you do for these projects?)
What specific course material (theories, case studies, classes, terms) can you relate to this week’s experiences? Name and discuss at least two.
Name one insight or skill or information you gained this week. This can be about team work, communication, the project itself, the company/organization, or a specific task.
What was one challenge you encountered? How did you respond to it?
What do you hope to learn next week?
These posts will serve as the material for your final reflection, your slide deck, and your short and long discussions of your experience. The more specific content you create here, the more you have to work with in the second half of the semester.
This week I only worked 8 hours. This was due to my wife and I having a preplanned trip scheduled this week. I did 8 hours this week on my internship. I talked to my internship supervisor, Jamie Bowers, he said once I return from my trip on Monday, he will have me shadowing with the infrastructure team and learn networking. I didn't really run into many problems on Monday while working on the help desk. I feel a lot more confident in my customer support skills and my basic troubleshooting skills. It was very relaxed so didn't really get to experience much in terms of leadership toward others. I have taken classes at Coker University in Bus-110 Business information Systems, Bus-150 Intro to Entrepreneurship, Bus-230 Business Communication, Soc-101 Intro to Sociology, Bus-345 Project Management, Bus- 343 Building and Leading Teams, Bus-440 Leadership, Bus-341 Organizational Behavior.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflection Journal
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
October 25, 2024
Date: October 25, 2024
Hours Interned This Week: 8
Total Internship Hours Worked So Far: [Include Total Hours Here]
This week was somewhat 'lighter' as I had a prior planned trip with my wife and, therefore, only logged 8 hours of my internship. This week was short, and I mostly spent it on the help desk. As for myself, I didn't have many issues, which is why everything became relatively easy. I continued to perform most of the customer support work and minor problem-solving; hence, throughout the weeks, I realized I could handle most related tasks. While the workload was reduced, it did not let me increase my leadership level or challenge me w...
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