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International HR's Crisis Management Plan for Pandemics

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The US and the World are facing a pandemic: The Corona Virus pandemic. This has a major impact on multinational enterprises’ operations. As mentioned in the lecture, International HR should have a crisis management plan for each possible scenario. How multinational enterprises could prepare ahead for a pandemic. Debate at least five preparations to deal with the multinational’s international assignees and local employees at various subsidiaries.

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Crisis Management Plan for Pandemics
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Crisis Management Plan for Pandemics
No company is usually fully prepared for a pandemic. Most of them have temporary contingent plans they set aside in any crisis. However, a pandemic such as COVID-19 came as a shocker, and most companies were hit on the head. That became an eye-opener, and companies must formulate a crisis management plan to prepare for unforeseen occurrences (Chen et al.,2021). Multinational companies must have the plan to handle their local and internal employees during this period. Here are some preparations that multinational companies' HRs should have before a pandemic.
1. Establish a pandemic preparedness framework
This scenario is where the company formulates a team to represent all critical business operations during a pandemic while reporting to senior management. The team will organize the business functions in order of importance for ease of operations (Peerally et al.,2022). They should oversee the smooth learning of the business and coordinate functions that aim for continuity rather than closing down. For multinational companies, these teams must be subdivided according to the available subsidiaries, and then there is one central team to consolidate the functions internationally. 
2. Set up global mobility and expatriate service teams
Staying ahead of time is always good. When a pandemic strike, everybody is confused and panicked, and there is no time to think straight. The international assignees need to return to their countries if a lockdown is imposed. There is no time to book and arrange their flights in the middle of a crisis. However, an expatriate service team is always prepared to act immediately during a pandemic (Peerally et al.,2022). Once things go south, they organize themselves waiting for a go-ahead.
3. Allow local HRs to have their say
Multinational companies have different job groups, and e...
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