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International Business Managenent

Essay Instructions:

• There are five questions in this exam. Answer any THREE only.
• Each question is worth 20 marks.
Question 1
The integration-responsiveness framework stresses the reciprocal nature of strategy and structure in multinational companies. Using the international business strategies outlined in your lectures as examples, explain the reciprocal nature of strategy and structure in multinational companies.
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Question 2
In today's international business environment, a Manager must have a very good comprehension of the different dimensions of globalisation. Discuss any four and briefly explain the pros and cons of globalisation.
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Question 3
Suppose you work at Microsoft in its Xbox video game console division. Microsoft has long targeted Xbox to the advanced economies, especially in North America and Europe. Management would like to sell more Xbox 360s to emerging markets. What characteristics of emerging markets might make them attractive for sales of the Xbox? Identify the major risks and challenges that Microsoft might encounter in selling the Xbox 360 to emerging markets.
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Question 4
Barbie is the best-selling doll, produced by Mattel, a U.S. company. Mattel is targeting Barbie to foreign markets. Mattel struggles to find the right strategy because of cultural differences. In Muslim countries, Barbie faces competition from doll producers that offer Islamic alternatives that feature conservative styling. In Latin America, competitors offer dolls with tanned skin and dark hair. In Asia, many girls prefer dolls with Asian features. The fun-loving image that Barbie projects in the U.S. market is often inappropriate abroad. In marketing Barbie abroad, should Mattel management apply a strategy that is global or multi-domestic? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? Is it possible to reach a compromise? Elaborate and justify your answer.
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Question 5
Target® is a large retailer with about 1,800 stores in the United States, but very few in other countries. It has a reputation for merchandising thousands of trendy yet inexpensive products for the home; including apparel, furniture, electronics, toys, and sporting goods. Management wants to open stores in major Asian cities but will have limited floor space there. Target hires you as a consultant to decide which products to offer in Asia. Write a brief report in which you describe the selection criteria you will use and offer some examples to back up your ideas. Be sure to justify your answer.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Question 1
The integration-responsiveness framework outlines the balance that companies intend to achieve in the foundational strategic needs. In international business, organizations seek to integrate value chain activities and design products and practices that respond to the local needs. Global integration aims to enhance efficiency of their value chain activities. On the other hand, local responsiveness maximizes sales and market share by responding to the local needs.
The home replication strategy is applied by international organizations to integrate the international business while responding to local needs. The strategy sees international business as separate and secondary from the domestic business. Therefore, the design of products or services is intended to meet the needs of local clients. The international business integration is pursued to extend the life of local products as well as replicate the success of domestic market. The approach shows the reciprocal nature of the strategy and intends to achieve the balance between value chain activities and design products or services that address local needs.
Through the multi-domestic strategy, the firm also creates subsidiaries in different foreign regions. Local managers are appointed to operate independently and respond to the local needs. Multi-domestic strategy aligns products or services to the local market. The headquarter also allows companies to vary products and practices and acknowledges the differences between national markets. The approach employed outlines the reciprocal nature of strategy.
The global strategy also shows the reciprocal nature of strategy and structure in multinational companies. The headquarters advances substantial control in all countries to eliminate redundancy. This also guarantees efficiency, learning, and global integration. Through this strategy, the company have common standards that are applied in all countries. This ensures that marketing, products, and company practices are common. The headquarter is also responsible for research and development and manufacturing, with a central coordination approach. All countries are viewed as a large market with common needs, and the company intends to integrate its global products into the local market.
Finally, the transna...
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