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Over view and Instructions.Supervisor’s Policies and Procedures Manual

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Final Research Paper – Overview and Instructions

To demonstrate your mastery of the concepts and strategies presented during this course, you will develop a Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) for a department operating within a real or fictitious health care facility or organization.

You will assume the role of a Human Resources Manager for the health care organization and, during the course, will develop a PPM that will highlight key concepts, strategies, topics, and issues covered during the course.

The final paper will consist of four phases each worth 50 pts., and a final compilation worth 100 pts. This writing-intensive course will produce a final paper of 2500+ words written in APA style. The Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual final Research Paper is due Week 11.

Final Paper: Phase I (LP2 & LP3) – Identifying Policy Needs, Overview of Expectations for Supervisors

Final Paper: Phase II (LP4 & LP5) – Measuring Employee Satisfaction, Reward System, Supervisory Communication Skills

Final Paper: Phase III (LP6 & L7) – Legal Considerations, Identifying & Selecting the Best Qualified Candidate, New Hire Orientation

Final Paper: Phase IV (LP8 & LP9) – Performance Evaluations, Staff Development, Managing Workplace Conflicts

Final Research Paper – (LP10) – Compilation of final Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Supervisor’s Policies and Procedures Manual
Supervisor’s Policies and Procedures Manual
Overseeing the smooth operation of the wide range of activities in a healthcare organization requires the understanding and application of the facilities’ policies and procedures in dealing with various aspects of healthcare management. The policies and procedures of the healthcare facility serve as a guideline for all the stakeholders in their diverse jurisdictions and areas of operations. In line with the objective of the healthcare organization’s mission, the policies and procedures seek to maintain or rather standardize its quality services across all its hierarchies and departments. The increasing competition in the healthcare sector coupled with the patient’s demand for quality care necessitates the need to ensure compliance with the set policies and procedures of the organization by all the stakeholders. The supervisory board of the healthcare organization, through the Human Resource Manager, commits to ensuring and enhancing adherence to the set policies and procedures in executing its oversight mandate for effective delivery of the organization’s mission objective. Achieving such a tedious task requires the use of a supervisor’s policies and procedures manual to facilitate the effective provision of quality health care services that is unmatched by any other facility.
Outline: Supervisor’s Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM)
The policies and procedures help in the development of a harmonious working environment between the supervisor and the staff members for a cohesive and collaborative effort in standardizing services offered by the facility to high quality CITATION Alu12 \l 1033 (Aluise, 2012). The health care facility’s patients are the most important stakeholders in the organization and as such the policies and procedures herein are indicative of the same. Nonetheless, it was imperative to develop the supervisory manual in service to the ultimate interest of the organization, patient satisfaction through quality care, through the employee’s satisfaction. Consequently, as the human resource manager, it is only wise to outline the contents of the policies and procedures manual relative to both the supervisory role and various aspects concerning the employees. The manual contains policies and the procedures for their implementation in the determination of employee satisfaction, application of the reward system, and measuring the supervisory communication skill CITATION Woo06 \l 1033 (Woodcock, 2006). The manual further outlines the rules and ensuing steps in dealing with legal matters, the identification and selection of the best-qualified candidates, the orientation of the employees, performance evaluations, staff development, and conflict management.
Phase 1-Identifying Policy Needs, Overview of Expectations for Supervisors
Identifying policy Needs
The main intention of the manual is to provide the supervisors with a framework for improving the quality of care provided to the patients and safeguarding their well-being while at the hands of the healthcare institution. It is not a control mechanism for the supervisors, but rather a platform for integrating their role with that of the staff for effective delivery of quality service. In essence, the supervisor’s policies and procedures manual drive the facility’s commitment towards a collaborative effort in satisfying all its stakeholders to successfully achieve its purpose above and objective CITATION Ges10 \l 1033 (Gesme, 2010). Nevertheless, the manual may seem confusing to some employees as it includes various aspects or elements not mentioned in the formal policy availed to all employees upon employment. The manual provides the policies and procedures, for instance, the use or misuse of the facility’s resources, including time, the internet, and other medical equipment, facilities, or products. The supervisor’s PPM handles such eventualities that are not addressed by the organization’s formal policy.
Overview of Expectations for Supervisors
It is important for the supervisors to fully comprehend and understand the various policies and procedures included in the manual and their effective application to the equally distinct situations whenever they emerge. The supervisor’s familiarity with the manual serves to facilitate the modification of the laid out rules and steps in the handling of various situations that are not covered as expected by both the supervisors and other staff members CITATION Woo06 \l 1033 (Woodcock, 2006). It is expected that the policies and procedures may not fully address all the situations faced in the day to day operations at the healthcare facility and thus requiring some adjustments to the framework for such eventualities. Making the changes demands that the supervisors are well acquainted with the manual and expect challenging situations or circumstances not addressed by the manual.
Phase II-Measuring Employees Satisfaction, Reward System, Supervisory Communication Skills
Measuring Employees Satisfaction
The health care facility’s policy on monitoring the performance of its employees recommends a weekly review of the past week’s working events at the institution. The facility’s open communication’s culture demands that employees air their views on various aspects concerning their line of work and any conflicts or challenges faced in carrying out their duties and responsibilities at the health care facility CITATION Ges10 \l 1033 (Gesme, 2010). The meetings provide the supervisors and other heads of department with an opportunity to analyze their team members and establish a connection through which they can assist each other in the achievement of an individual’s maximum potential at work.
Reward System<...
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