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Innovation and Decision-Making

Essay Instructions:


433.1.5 : Innovation and Decision Making

The graduate recommends effective strategies for promoting innovative solutions in specified decision-making processes.

433.1.6 : Organizational Change

The graduate incorporates strategies that leverage change within an organization’s culture in efforts to build commitment and buy-in for a specified task or project.

433.1.7 : Power and Influence

The graduate integrates strategies to address competing sources of power and influence into efforts to overcome obstacles to the successful completion of a specified task or project.

433.1.8 : Conflict Management

The graduate justifies the use of specific conflict management strategies as a means of maximizing results for all relevant stakeholders.


In this task, you will select and explain your chosen communication strategies and leadership styles, evaluate how effective these strategies are in promoting and encouraging innovative thinking solutions, build team commitment and buy-in, and demonstrate your self-awareness as a leader within the organization.

As a leader, you need to align yourself with the mission of the organization you work for while also helping to define the organization’s philosophy. You must be aware of both your own leadership style and how it integrates with the social dynamics of your team. You and your team are responsible for developing common goals, ownership of your work, a collaborative approach to producing results, clean communication, healthy conflict resolution approaches, and strong trust within the team.

This assessment will help you determine your preferred leadership style and how to apply that within the organization you choose to work for.


You have been hired as the new CIO at a local IT company. As CIO, you are expected to build a team of IT leaders who are empowered to inspire their teams and deliver results through an organizational culture of trust and respect.

Part of the onboarding for this role is articulating your leadership approach and demonstrating self-awareness in identifying how purposeful interactions and decision making will set up your teams for success.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the report provided when submitting your task as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Identify strategies you use as a new CIO for promoting and encouraging innovative thinking and solutions for team members.

B. Explain how you, as a new CIO, will encourage and build commitment and buy-in for team success.

C. Explain strategies that you, as a new CIO, will integrate for overcoming obstacles with competing sources of power and influence.

D. Explain how you, as a new CIO, will encourage team members to identify and implement effective strategies for handling conflict to maximize team results.

E. Explain strategies or approaches you will use as a new CIO for overcoming communication barriers within the team.

F. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Innovation and Decision Making
Student’s Name
Institution Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Innovation and Decision making
As a new CIO, I use several strategies to promote and encourage innovative thinking and solutions among my team members. First, establish a clear and compelling vision for the company that inspires and motivates the team to think creatively and take risks. I would also create a culture of experimentation and learning where team members feel safe to test new ideas and learn from their failures (Dutta, 2017). I would also foster a sense of community and collaboration among the team, encouraging them to share ideas and work together to solve problems. I also ensure that team members have the necessary resources, training, and support to develop their skills and advance their careers.
I will involve team members in the decision-making process to build commitment and buy-in for team success., encouraging them to share their ideas and perspectives. I also ensure that team members clearly understand their roles and responsibilities and how they contribute to the company's overall goals. Additionally, I would use open and transparent communication, regularly providing updates on the company's progress and celebrating the team's achievements. I would also recognize and reward team members for their contributions to the company's success.
My leadership approach will focus on building trust and respect within the team. I will prioritize clear and open communication, active listening, and transparency in decision-making. I will also encourage team members to speak up and share their ideas and concerns, and I will be open to feedback and willing to adjust my approach as needed.
To overcome obstacles with competing sources of power and influence, I will work to build a culture of collaboration and teamwork. I will actively seek input and buy-in from all stakeholders and work to build a shared understanding of the company's goals and priorities (Bucha...
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