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Emotional Intelligence, Communication, and Philosophy and Style in Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Last week, you identified your team for the final assignment, including your role, your leadership style, and the change you hope to bring to the team. This week, you will refine some of those observations and begin to examine your team using the concepts from your readings and lectures. Consider the following categories and answer the questions:


How does the leader handle his or her emotions?

How does the team deal with emotions?

Describe the team's level of EI. Is this an area that the leader needs to help the team develop?

How might leaders enhance team EI? Give specific examples.


When thinking of leaders communication, would you describe the leaders' communication style as persuasive, manipulative, or coercive? Why?

Think of at least two different team members in the team and describe their communication style.

Is there a certain communication style that is most dominant on this team?

How does the leaders' communication style affect team members?

Philosophy and Style

What type of philosophy (theory X or theory Y) seems to be held by leaders and other members of the team?

What type of leadership style have you adopted as a leader (authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire)?

What action steps would help enhance the leadership style in the team?

You might need to interview some team members to gather answers. You should do some research by using the South University Online Library or the Internet to help you formulate the necessary action steps. If you are the leader of the team, you should ask members of the team to help you develop answers to the questions.

Submission Details:

Summarize your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

Support your responses with examples and research.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
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Date of Submission
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
The leader handles her emotions calmly and collectedly, displaying empathy and understanding of the team's feelings. She handles her emotions maturely and professionally, taking time to understand her emotions and taking a step back to process them before responding. Furthermore, she practices self-awareness and is mindful of how her feelings might impact those around her. Additionally, the leader strives to stay composed and level-headed to make decisions that are in the team's best interest. Therefore, it is important to recognize that while emotions are valid, they should not be used as a basis for decisions or reactions.
The team deals with emotions constructively and productively, looking for solutions and understanding each other's perspectives. Furthermore, the group is open and honest about any emotions they are feeling; hence if someone is feeling overwhelmed or stressed, they talk about it and find ways to work together to manage the emotions. Additionally, if a team member is feeling angry, team members encourage the member to brainstorm solutions instead of lashing out (Birt, 2022). Moreover, taking breaks and talking about things unrelated to work help reduce stress and improve the team's overall well-being.
The team has a high level of emotional intelligence, understanding how to manage emotions and respect each other's feelings. Furthermore, the team's level of Emotional Intelligence (EI) depends on how well each team member can recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions and those of the other team members. The leader should help the team develop their emotional intelligence by facilitating open communication and providing a safe space for team members to share their thoughts and feelings. The leader should assess the team's EI and help the team develop in this area if needed. If the team cannot recognize and manage their emotions, this could lead to misunderstandings and conflict, hindering the team's success. The leader should consider providing team members with resources and training to help them develop their EI, such as coaching, workshops, and books (Birt, 2022). The team can work together effectively and achieve their goals with improved EI.
Leaders can enhance team EI by encouraging team members to listen to each other, practice active listening, and develop a culture of respect and understanding. Leaders can also model emotional intelligence by displaying empathy, setting clear boundaries, and providing constructive feedback to team members. Additionally, leaders can facilitate team-building exercises and activities that foster collaboration and trust within the team. Leaders can enhance team EI by creating a positive work environment that encourages open communication and collaboration. For example, leaders can promote trust, respect, and acceptance by actively listening to team members' ideas and concerns and providing feedback and support (Birt, 2022). Leaders can also set a positive example by modeling positive behavior and showing an interest...
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