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The Event Industry Term Project Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

This project will give you the opportunity to develop an event concept and a checklist of tasks

required to plan your event. The end result of this project will be an online report submission

based upon the following scenario.

You are an event organizer for one of the following events (choose one):

The 20XX IAAPA Aracons Expo - hp://www(dot)iaapa(dot)org/expos/iaapa-aracons-expo/home

The 20XX PGA Show - hp://www(dot)pgashow(dot)com/

The 20XX Surf Expo - hps://www(dot)surfexpo(dot)com/

The NRA Show 20XX - hps://show.restaurant.org/Home

The Hospitality Design Expo 20XX - hps://www(dot)hdexpo(dot)com/

You will develop the event concept, including operaonal planning, markeng, and risk

management based on your selecon. Your report must include the following:

Answers to the 5 Ws:

1. WHY are you having this event? (the purpose and goals, and why)

2. WHO is your market? (aendee demographics, psychographics, geographics, and why)

3. WHEN (year, month, days, and why)

4. WHERE (desnaon, venue, and why)

5. WHAT are you going to do? (the event inerary and why)


1. Markeng strategy(ies) that will be used (channels, media, etc., and why)

2. Accommodaons (how many hotel rooms needed, where they will be, etc.)

3. Event setups (what space, equipment, and setup will be needed, and why)

4. Food and beverage (catered meals, aendees on own, etc., and why)

5. Exhibitors/vendors and service providers (expo services, A/V providers, etc., and why)

6. Event technology (what new or exisng tech will be used, and why)

7. Environmental and/or CSR issues that should be considered (and why)

8. Use of any desnaon management services (e.g. CVBs, DMCs, DMOs, etc., and why)

9. Budget (rough approximaon) as well as any sponsorships (and why)

10. Risk management and legal issues that should be considered (and why)

It is important to note than when you visit the websites for these events, you will see that the

next events have already been scheduled, venues chosen, ineraries wrien, etc. I DO NOT want

you to simply regurgitate the event’s existing plan for the current year. If you do this you will

not receive credit. What I want is for you to develop YOUR OWN plan.

So, for example, once you choose an event, you will need to decide on, among other things,

venue. For this choice, you can go one of two ways:

1. Choose the venue that the real event planners have chosen for their upcoming event. IF

you do this, you will need to explain why it is a good venue (i.e. Why is it the best

choice? Why wouldn’t another venue in another city be a beer opon?)

2. Choose a different venue than the real event planners have chosen for their upcoming

event. IF you do this, you will need to explain why your chosen venue is a beer choice

(i.e. What makes it superior to their choice? And to other opons?)

You will do this for all five Ws (why, who, when, where, what) and for the content areas as

applicable. So you may use the actual event informaon as a reference to inform your own

decisions, but for each point in the paper you will need to explain whether you concur with the

real event planners or not, ANY WHY.

Note: Although you were not quizzed on Chapter 5 of your textbook in this course, it would be a

great place to start for this project as its focus is exhibions.

Your term project should be no less than 2,000 words. A 2,000 word paper should include a

minimum of 5-10 references, which should be cited in proper APA format. Also, the length

requirement of 2,000 words means 2,000 words of substance. If you put a heading in your

submission, you shouldn’t count that. You also shouldn’t count your reference page. Do not

include the instrucons (above) in your submission as those words will not count. Bluntly, I am

looking for 2,000 words of your own thoughts and analysis. While it is up to you to determine

how the 2,000 words should be allocated

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Event Industry Term Project
The Event Industry Term Project
Event planning and management is one of the most effective tools used for successful marketing communication used by institutions to create brand awareness. The process of planning an event, whether it is a ceremony, a competition, a party, a festival or a convention is known as event planning and includes budgeting, venue reservation, coordination of transport, establishing the dates, acquiring the required permits, developing the event theme, coordinating speakers and many other aspects that relate to the event. On the other hand event management refer to the planning, preparation and production of an event involving all the resources aimed at achieving the objective of the event such as assessing, defining, acquiring, allocating, directing, controlling, financing, people, products and services. Event management is use of project management in the planning process of the event.
In order to have a successful event, it must have a clear concept which is in tandem with the objective of the event and the needs of the targeted audience as well as other stakeholders. The five W’s for successful event planning and management include what, why, who, where and when. What defines the type and scope of the event. Why identifies the objective of the event. Who defines the audience of the event. Where identifies the venue or location of the event. When identifies the time the event will occur. The main idea behind the 5W’s is to match the event concept with the target audience. They capture the event’s big idea, a summary projection of the event, expected outcomes or key performance indicators, the profit plan, timelines for both marketing and communication and success keys.
Events are used as marketing tools to create both national and international awareness of an economic, political, educational or environmental aspect of development. The net benefits to both the local inhabitants of the venue and the visitors includes exposure to different cultures and positive investments in disaster risk reduction through cultural diversity hence creating new risk landscape in terms of terrorism awareness and positive outlooks towards the product and service benefits.
The HD Expo May 15-17 2019
The Hospitality Design Expo (HD Expo) is a tradeshow that brings together operators and owners, executives, architects, manufacturers and designers within the hospitality design community for a three days networking and education conference. The Expo participants gain from the unmatched level of inspiration, education and showcase of original products. This year it will be held in Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV from May 15th to 17th 2019, where over 12,500 industry professionals from over 40 countries are expected to attend (Show, 2019). From the latest products on the showcase floor, inspirational discussion from the industry leaders and influencers, this year’s Expo aims to propel the participants’ professional development to the next level because at the event, leading manufacturers get a chance to debut their latest products and it is in such a business networking forum that innovative ideas and knowledge leads to the birth of game changing networks.
The HD Expo conference program examines what is happening in the industry currently and forecasts into what to expect in the future, providing the participants tools that give them an edge over their competition in business and professionally. The networking sessions are designed to enhance interaction to share experiences and offer many opportunities for interactive networking with industry peers and leaders. Participating in this event will offer a transformative and different experience making it imperative that everybody within the hospitality community should attend in order to nurture their career and industry networks while learning from veterans, innovators and the who is who in the industry through their case studies, expertise, personal journeys across all career levels.
The roundtable which brings the participants with the industry leaders such as brand executives, developers, and decision makers around the globe is the signature event with a keynote speaker, who is usually an industry visionary with the session focusing new spheres of brand development, influential brands, new areas of development, lessons from influencers, client needs and trends which define the industry. The HD Expo is the largest hospitality design conference where exhibitors across a large pool of products, together with industry leaders and members meet to connect and experience new product designs. Some facts about the expo include; approximately 12,500 participated in HD Expo this past year, 2018. Over 84% of those who attended were design and décor decision makers. On average an exhibitor gets 166 qualified leads over the period of the event (Show, 2019). The event honors innovation, functionality and advancements in hospitality designs and winning entrants are featured on the event’s website. With over 850 exhibitors scheduled to showcase their products and services, the three days inspirational exhibition makes the HD Expo the ultimate place for the hospitality design community to expand their career and network.
The Objectives of the HD Expo
The purpose of the HD Expo 2019 is to offer a platform for all hospitality industry operators and consumers to showcase and examine the products and services offered within the industry as well as share experiences and knowledge while learning and networking for business. Traditionally trade shows and expos provide a platform for corporate communication where enterprises use the available communication channels to advance their strategies. Trade shows are instruments that nurture brand confidence and help to sustain customer loyalty by increasing awareness levels (Duncan, 1996). Furthermore, they enhance learning from the best and brightest in the industry while interacting and networking with likeminded professionals to learn new strategies to advance your business.
The Expo is a resource for both local and international hospitality players with networking opportunities for successful enterprises give their testimonies and for growing enterprises to also find out about new strategies to also develop their ventures (Vaid et al., 2016). Participants are expected to gain through inspirational ideas that will help grow their businesses, create networks within the hospitality community through participating and attending the organized networking sessions where they are expected to come into contact with resourceful people.
Organization of the HD Expo 2019
Prior to the event, feasibili...
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