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The Outlook of Krispy Kreme Based on its Vision

Essay Instructions:

For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company you used in Unit IV and Unit VI. For the Unit VIII Project, you will complete the final components of your implementation plan.

For Part 3, you will focus on the following points:
internal and external issues,
future outlook for the organization, and
implementation of tools for measuring business success.

You are welcome to conduct further research as needed. For the future of the organization, you may be creative and add your own insight on where you see the company going.

Your project must be a minimum of two full pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Make certain to include an introductory paragraph. This paper must be under 20% plagiarized in SafeAssign.

* The two papers that I am uploading are the beginning parts of the research we had to conduct before writing this final paper. Use the same company as the other two documents (Krispy Kreme) to help you or any other information in the papers. Thanks*

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Krispy Kreme Outlook
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Krispy Kreme Outlook
Krispy Kreme has the vision to make the most awesome doughnuts on the planet every single day. I wholeheartedly believe they achieve that just by how delicious they are, in my biased opinion. However, there are a number o issues this paper seeks to delve in to explore the company's ability and production capacity, in terms of profit as well as viability. It seeks to delve into both internal and external issues that may have an impact on the organization's full potential. It also focuses on competition, the future outlook for the organization, and implementation of tools for measuring business success.
The company has struggled many times; they have pulled it back together to deliver some of the best-baked products in the industry. They have many growth opportunities, but with that come the liability of weaknesses that could be detrimental to the company. Also, the main thing they must worry about is the increasing threats that they face every day as new competitors enter the market, or they expand their product selection. Krispy Kreme must be innovative in future products and ventures as it could lead to the success or failure of the baked goods brand. However, all these are determined by how it handles its internal and external issues.
Internal issues facing the organization are those issues that ensure an organization moves forward. These include its mission, leadership, and communication and organization structure. Krispy Kreme mission is "To make the most awesome doughnuts on the planet every single day." The communication process within this organization is a vertical communication process, one which trickles from the highest levels o management to the lowest ranks. It has been effective in ensuring relevant information is received by every member of staff. External issues, on the ot...
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