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Implementation of UBI to Ensure that All Citizens can Afford Life Necessities

Essay Instructions:

Read the following article: https://www(dot)thebalance(dot)com/universal-basic-income-4160668
Prepare a response paper of about 700 words in length indicating the reasons you think UBI is a good or bad idea.

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A Universal Basic Income is a Good Idea
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A Universal Basic Income is a Good Idea
A universal basic income (UBI) is also known as a guaranteed minimum income or a citizen’s income. In particular, it refers to the payment that every citizen receives from the government. I think all people should be entitled to a flat monthly income to be able to survive, particularly during this challenging moments of COVID-19. The primary reason for introducing the UBI is to ensure that all citizens can afford necessities and establish financial security. In addition, the UBI helps individuals survive, particularly those who lose their jobs due to technological advancement. In my opinion, implementing a UBI is a good idea to ensure that all citizens can afford life necessities.
I support Martin Luther King Jr.’s statement when he said in 1967 that a UBI can effectively abolish poverty (Amadeo, 2021). I have seen people living in abject poverty and almost everyone can agree that it is a significant problem that should be addressed in all ways possible. From my observation, many programs implemented to combat poverty usually fail since the targeted individuals and families do not directly receive the money. However, implementing a UBI can be the end of this challenge. If people living below the poverty line are given a guaranteed income, it can be easy for them to eliminate issues they face daily, such as hunger. Some might wonder where the money to give citizens will come from since not many countries or states have implemented a UBI successfully. However, the government can tax wealthy individuals or large corporations and distribute that fund to those who need it the most. In addition, I think the government should collect donations from wellwishers, including funds, food, clothes, and other things that can be given to tose living in abject poverty.
Some wealthy Americans support the implementation of the UBI, meaning that they would be in the frontline to collaborate with the government to ensure that all citizens are beneficiaries of the program. In my perspective, not many people can oppose the UBI as long as the money gathered is distributed equally to all citizens. For example, Chris Hughes, the co-founder of Facebook, argued that Americans earning $50,000 or below should get $500 per month (Amadeo, 2021). Likewise, Elon Musk, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Tesla Inc. and chief engineer at SpaceX, and Richard Branson, Virgin Group founder, support the UBI since they say that technology has taken away individuals’ jobs and a guaranteed income can be the only solution (...
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