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Management of Multicultural Teams

Essay Instructions:

Research and report on a particular area of team development, team performance and/ or team improvement (a topic of your choosing related to creating and leading teams, and approved by the professor)
 Research Findings (read 5 additional sources, beyond course readings and share what you learned by grouping your findings by themes or categories); connect/integrate this learning to course concepts; include reference list
 Implications of your findings (what can we expect if put these ideas into practice)
 Recommendations to teams and/or team leaders from your findings

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Management of Multicultural Teams
Student's Name
Research Findings
According to Sit, Mak, & Neill, (2017) a multicultural team is a team that encompass members from different cultural backgrounds. Multiculturalism is highly beneficial to an organization and specifically helps organizations overcome language and cultural barriers. With a multicultural team organization can plan projects around different time zones making it easier for the organization to run its operations without time constraints. Teams can leverage on cross cultural training mainly because people with diverse backgrounds offer a mix of ideas, skills, and perspectives. With multiculturalism there is greater empathy which gives room to improved understanding among teams, improved reputation, which increase overall team productivity. Multiculturalism brings together people with different values, languages, and demeanors which typically translates to fewer conflicts in the organization (Druskat, 2017). Difference in communication styles in multicultural teams goes a long way in influencing teams’ productivity and performance. According to Bell and Riol (2017), hindrances associated with multinational organization can be well managed by managers who tend to have a global mindset. However, Pauline et al (2019) believes that diversity in native language among multination team members may lead to disagreements in the teams.
With multiculturalism teams gain a greater market insight. This is because the diverse cultures offer greater market knowledge thus offering the organization wider investment options in different countries. More so, with multiculturalism, organizations have the ability to increase their business reputations. Multicultural teams build credibility and satisfaction among customers making it possible for an organization to record higher sales volume. Moreover, multiculturalism brings together people with different skills and know-how, thus improving the overall morale and trust among employees. A global mindset constitutes skills such as adaptability and willingn...
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