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Implementation of Six Sigma at Motorola to Revitalize the Production

Essay Instructions:

Approved organization: Motorola

You are to select an actual organization and report on its implementation of lean production or lean six-sigma. Your choice of organization must be approved in writing by the instructor (by email) by April 11, but I recommend you get approval as soon as possible. At that time, you should also inform me of who is your teammate.

​You should prepare and submit a written report of 4-6 double-spaced pages, typed. The report should describe: what motivated the organization to implement Lean/Six-Sigma; what the organization did specifically; and what were the results (benefits, problems). Focus on one or two specific projects or areas where lean production or six-sigma were implemented by the organization. Give details of what was done, how it was done, what obstacles were encountered and how they were overcome, and what measurable/quantitative benefits were achieved specifically from the lean implementation or specific lean projects; measurable/ quantitative results are especially important. DO NOT tell me that the sources did not provide enough information to give details of the implementation: select an organization for which there are details available; use multiple sources, if necessary/possible (use articles, books, parts of books, interviews, company web sites, etc. as sources of information). Give a detailed list (citations) of all sources used. DO NOT provide the organization’s income statement or income history and imply that growth was due to lean/six-sigma; just provide the measurable benefits that can be specifically attributable to lean/six-sigma.

​DO NOT simply provide a general overview of the organization’s lean production program or the history of lean production in the organization; I want to see details of one or two specific implementations/projects. This report should be IN YOUR WORDS; do not simply piece together quotes from various sources. You should synthesize and organize the information and present it in a clear manner.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lean Implementation Case Report
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Lean Implementation Case Report
Streamlining the internal operations is something that every business entity needs bearing the associated benefits. Business organizations are currently engaged in the race to deliver high-quality products while also operating at lower production costs. Finding a balance between cost and quality is a primary challenge that most organizations have been forced to address in the dynamic operational environment where consumers keep demanding the best outcomes. One of the business entities that faced the dilemma of developing a match between cost management and quality production was Motorola. Motorola was an American company that operated in the telecommunications industry with a focus on business portfolios, including network equipment development, video recorders, as well as voice and data communications. The telecommunication industry is a highly dynamic and competitive one, a prospect that steered Motorola into advancing cost-effective operations while achieving the required quality and customer satisfaction indices. This paper explores the implementation of six sigma at Motorola as a strategic tool to revitalize the production. The analysis of the six sigma production policy at Motorola is vital in understanding the implementation process, associated projects, and the outcomes that define the success or failure of such a strategic move.
The Motivation
Motorola decided to implement six sigma as a process of operational improvement following the changes in the needs of their consumers and advancements in competition. Every business organization understands the need to improve its profitability index if it has to stay relevant in the operational environment (Papic et al., 2017). Profit-making is only achievable if the business entity is focused on managing all the other costs through the production lines. The move to implement the six sigma protocols at Motorola began in the 1970s when Motorola’s Quasar television unit was acquired by a Japanese company (Leduc, 2008). The new management began implementing drastic changes aimed at restructuring the factory operations from the ground up. The motivation was to eliminate the defects that would compromise the quality of the television sets while also increasing their production costs. Immediately after restructuring, the Quasar television factory began producing products with a one-twentieth defects rate compared to before the restructuring (Kulach, 2013). The challenging aspect of the outcomes was that the company had maintained its key aspects, including design work, machinery, and workforce. The motivation to implement the six sigma protocol, hence, focused on reducing defects on products with minimum changes on the production line, a move that would steer minimum costs and high profitability index attainments.
The Digital Six Sigma Project
The digital six sigma project is among the most monumental changes in business operations implemented by Motorola at the onset of this century. Motorola had pioneered the traditional six sigma inputs as early as 1986 (Leduc, 2008). With the implementation of a new production architecture came the required efficiency in achieving outcomes. Between 1986 and 2000, Motorola had advanced in its operational environment, and its focus was fast changing to other industry trends. The company advanced from manufacturing television sets to active engagements in telecommunications. The changes in the operational environment rendered the primary six sigma protocol irrelevant. The industry was fast becoming reliant on technology, and Motorola was a leading telecommunications outlet at the time. In 2003, the company introduced the digital six sigma project to steer its defects management operations into matching the existing needs at the time (Kulach, 2013). The motive was to accommodate technology into the six sigma protocols to achieve even higher accuracy outcomes.
The digital six sigma project was conducted in a step-by-step manner to achieve the required efficiency and relevance outcomes. The first step in the redevelopment process was setting new goals in managing defects in products. The company would assess its internal environment in terms of strengths and weaknesses before setting the new goals. The goals would then be followed with a business-wide balanced scorecard (BSC) (Payne, 2020). The BSC tool would define the scope of operations for the organization. That is, BSC acted as a performance management tool that assessed goals and the ability of the organization to achieve those goals relative to the existing technologies, among other resources. The development of BSC would be followed by assigning the project tools to the best possible implementers. Motorola indicates that they assigned their strongest back and master black belts based on their mastery of skills such as statistical capabilities or change management (Papic et al., 2017). Such high-skilled individuals would work on complex problems with unknown causes. The company also incorporated the inputs of business and functional leaders who offered ongoing governance and provided eff...
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