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Implementation of Information Security in Business Operation

Essay Instructions:

Research Report is about 4 pages plus a one-page summary at the end of this report. (Needs 5 current references within the last 2 years).

The details of this report topic will be on the files.

Some texts information will be on the files as well.

The following are useful sources of information that you can use in order to identify promising IT-related companies, products or technologies:

The “Marketplace” section of Wall Street Journal, the “Business Day” section of the New York Times, the “Information Technology” section of Business Week, the “Science and Technology” section of Economist, technology-related articles in Financial Times, Fortune, etc.

The magazines geared towards IT executives and technology managers, such as InformationWeek (www(dot)informationweek(dot)com), Datamation (www(dot)datamation(dot)com), ComputerWorld (www(dot)computerworld(dot)com), Red Herring (www(dot)redherring(dot)com), etc.

If you have any confusions about these descriptions just contact me anytime!!


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Information Security
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Information Security
Information security has become one of the integral aspects of the effective operation of a business. In the advent of new forms of technology, organizations have embarked on the use of the internet as one of the major sources of information and connecting with other relevant stakeholders. However, the use of the internet can expose a business to different forms of information security threats. For this reason, a company should secure its information technology environment and have control of all the systems. Arguably, it is apparent that technology plays a vital role in protecting any crucial information the customer has given a company.
Organizations should implement effective strategies to prevent any form of data breach. Information security policies are one of the essential mechanisms of securing an organization from any form of threat. For example, publishing the policies can enlighten the workers and other stakeholders on ways to prevent any form of an attack. In most instances, the use of the internet exposes an organization to malicious software such as Trojan malware. However, the enactment of internet usage policies can help an organization to prevent any form of internet related threat.
The internet and other social networking tools have facilitated the effective operation and sharing of ideas in organizations. Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are common types of social networking tools. Besides, an organization can use electronic mail to communicate with all relevant stakeholders. Even though the presence of social networking tools eases the way of doing business, research suggests that such platforms can expose an organization to different types of cybersecurity threats. For this reason, it is important to implement effective information systems. For instance, the departments in an organization should work together to achieve the ultimate objective of preventing the loss of crucial information. Additionally, the top management should train workers on the importance of information security.
Report on Information Security
Information system security is one of the most crucial strategies for protecting computer systems from any form of threat. The process is ongoing and requires expertise and attention daily. Therefore, the management in an organization is responsible for improving the security systems and establishing the most effective mechanisms periodically. Notably, it is apparent that the top executives in a company have an obligation of enhancing confidentiality, integrity, and availability of any information in a company. Breach of information can result in devastating effects, such as lawsuits from business partners, bankruptcy, and even loss of competitive edge. Therefore, it is imperative to facilitate information security and apply the appropriate countermeasures to prevent the occurrence of disruptive events.
In the advent of new forms of technology, enterprises used to depend on the information systems for communication and storage of crucial information. However, the threat of identity theft and hacking has resulted in concerns on the use of the information system. For this reason, most companies have identified data protection as one of the most appropriate internal controls (Thomas & Galligher, 2018). The value of information is one of the primary foundations of competitive advantage because various organizations collect volumes of confidential data about workers, customers, financial operations, and products.
In the current era of proliferation of new forms of technology, information security has become a vital part of organizations. It will continue being one of the most crucial factors in future operations. In some instances, companies use the information technology systems to connect to the internet or other forms of networking structures. Just as aforementioned, an apprehensive information technology environment can pose a threat to the different systems in a company. For instance, a company might lose its customers because of negative publicity.
Organizations have to implement consistent information technology and security procedures for smooth business operations. It is important to ensure that the computer system is configured securely to prevent any breach of information. Currently, most top executives have discovered new strategies for preventing any form of malware programs from interfering with a customer’s machine (Moody, Siponen, & Pahnila, 2018). One of the core benefits of having such mechanisms in place is the fact that a company can be proactive in safeguarding the systems after the emergence of new warnings. The IT network professionals help companies to promote a secure environment after reviewing all the computer assets. An organization should conduct regular scans for any form of intrusions. Notably, the management should change the password of their computers frequently for security purposes.
Equally, reviewing some of the information securit...
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