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Human Resources Of Organization Consultancy Report

Essay Instructions:

As a human resource professional, your organization has asked you to research compensation, performance management, coaching, and motivation.

Construct a research report that is 7-10 pages in length that analyzes the following:

Performance management systems

Theory and concepts that impact performance and compensation systems

Coaching approaches

Recommend performance management systems that considers compensation factors


Final Paper Instructions:

Include an introduction. It must provide a clear statement of your position on the topic.

Your paper must be at 7-10 pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.

Examine each area of the consultancy report by providing citations from at least five sources. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find sources.

A credible source is defined as:

A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article.

A government-based website or publication.

A trade or industry journal article, publication, or website, including those from trade organizations such as SHRM.org and TD.org.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Human Resources Consultancy Report [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] [Subject] [Date] Human Resources Consultancy Report Introduction Human resources are considered as the key resource of an organization, who should be understood and motivated to keep them involved in achieving organizational goals. Organizational performance is dependent on its employees to a great extent. Company’s success and degree of competitiveness depend on its ability to manage its human resources (Noronha, Aquinas and Manezes, 2016). Thus, it is important that managers are concerned regarding development of human resource. However, over the past years human resource management has evolved into different functions that aim to motivate employees, enhance their productivity and keep them committed and involved to organizational goals (Noronha, Aquinas and Manezes, 2016). These functions include performance management, rewards and compensation, training and development, coaching and mentoring (Owen et al., 2018). Therefore, considering the importance of these functions in an organization as an important element of organizational performance, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of strategies that can help in motivating employees and reach company’s goals. Discussion In every organization the top management should own its employees and effectively manage them. Employees should not be considered as liabilities of the company, but they are important assets (Miner, 2015). While, earlier training and development of employees was regarded as a cost to the company, it is considered as an investment that can lead to higher returns in the future through enhanced employee performance. Employees also have the ability to produce added value through effective performance management systems implemented by organizations. Furthermore, employee commitment is also required to ensure organizational success, each employee needs to be committed to the mission, vision, values and goals of its organization. Through coaching and mentoring employees can remain committed to their companies and thus, sustain productivity (Miner, 2015). A manager should be responsible for inducing and encouraging commitment among employees. A strong organizational culture is needed to stimulate employee commitment. Factors that build strong corporate culture include effective communication, performance management processes, training, coaching and mentoring. Employee Motivation Motivation is a factory that facilitated in creating enthusiasm among employees to reach organizational goals. It is a process that helps to reach company’s objectives by satisfying needs of individual employees (Ahmad et al., 2014). Managers and leaders should understand the concept of motivation to be able to know why employees behave differently at workplace, and how their behavior can be manipulated to encourage them to exert their best behavior in achieving company’s goals. There are different theories that can be used by managers to motivate their employees (Ahmad et al., 2014). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs According to the motivation theory of Maslow there are different levels of human needs. He defined five level of needs, beginning with physiological needs that include food, shelter and clothing. Once these basic needs are satisfied they move to the next level i.e. security needs, where the individual desires to have a sense of security in his/ or her family and society and wants to feel protected. It also includes having job security and saving funds for future needs. Next levels needs are love and belonging needs, as an individual wants to have friends at workplace and want to be appreciated (Ahmad et al., 2014). Fourth level needs are esteem needs employees want to be acknowledged and appreciated for their work, they have the need of self-respect and esteem. The highest level of needs in the Maslow’s hierarchy is the need of self-actualization. It is the need of self-fulfillment, where individual feels the tendency to become actualized in his/ or her potential. Thus, employees can be motivated by identifying their level of need and fulfilling those needs to ensure satisfaction and keep them engaged in an organization. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Herzberg’s theory introduced Motivators and Hygiene factors for workers motivation. Hygiene factors are for short-term satisfaction, on the other hand, motivators may cause long-term satisfaction at work. Motivators are those factors that keep workers satisfied by developing their talent (Miner, 2015). For instance, enriching jobs of employees through added responsibilities. Other factors may include reward, achievement, recognition and growth that motivate employees and improve their performance. While motivators help in increasing job satisfaction, hygiene factors are not necessary for motivation, but absence of these factors can result in job dissatisfaction. For example, lack of clean working environment, poor relationships with subordinates and lack of job security can lead to employee dissatisfaction (Miner, 2015). Workers should be compensated with salary according to their competency. Hence, factors such as recognition and growth are needed to keep workers motivated it is important for organizations to have effective performance management systems. Performance Management System Implementing an efficient performance management system is vital in human resource management. It helps to align human resource activities to influence individual behavior that can help in achieving overall organizational strategy. The main motive behind having a performance management system in an organization is to ensure that employees are rewarded for their work and they are motivated to improve their performance. At the same time, it is made certain that employees are aware of their work expectations and how they are aligned with organizational performance (Miner, 2015). Simultaneously it helps to identify employee development opportunities and also those who are not able to meet their work expectations are provided necessary feedback. The performance management system can be divided into three phases Developing and Planning Performance The first phase is planning and development, where individuals’ goals and objectives are set. Key factors against which employee performance will be measured are identified in this phase. Managers set standards for employee evaluation. It is important that employees participate in the process of setting objectives for their performance management (Jones, Woods & Guillaume, 2016). This facilitates in motivating employees as they get a feeling of involvement and sense of ownership is also developed among employees. Managing and Reviewing Performance Once the key performance factors are identified the next phase is to manage and review employee performance. Every employee should be responsible for his/ or her performance, they should clearly understanding what is expected from them according to their ability. The actual performance of an employee should then be compare...
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