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Training Program: Benefits Of Technology Implementation

Essay Instructions:

For this Portfolio Project option, you will choose and build a training plan. Identify a common training problem that organizations struggle with and the best way to address this problem. Examples include: change management, technology implementation, communication, team building, and conflict resolution. Also, determine how to implement the training by identifying the method of delivery. Follow these steps:

Write the report.

Prepare the PowerPoint presentation.

Proofread and submit both items.

Congratulate yourself on what you have accomplished!

The report/presentation must include:

An eight to 10-page double-spaced paper (not counting the cover page, abstract, and reference page) with appropriate references. Make sure your paper is formatted and cited according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

An executive-level presentation (summary) not to exceed four PowerPoint slides.

The report must include the following items:

Identify what the problem is and what type of training is being proposed. Relate this to the organization's strategic imperatives.

Prepare an overview of why the training is needed. Include the learning objectives that you have identified for the program.

Research best practices on how to train toward this problem. Discuss what other organizations have done to train on this topic. You can include White Papers.

Create a flowchart of the process to conduct research and collect data for decision making (which does not have to fit any specific process form; just make it clear).

Outline an abbreviated needs analysis, including a high-level assessment of skills, costs, and risks.

Propose high-level training solutions, including recommendations and justifications for development, implementation, technologies, and assessment type (or justification that training is not a solution that will adequately address the issue, and present a proposal for a non-training solution).

Write a conclusion that reiterates the recommendation and ties it back to the best practices of other organizations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
TRAINING PROGRAM Name Affiliation Abstract Organizations all over the world, large-scale or small-scale, thrive on well-established training programs that maintains their competitiveness in the different sectors. The training programs helps the organizations through a comprehensive process that seeks to highlight challenges facing the employees in their production endeavors. An organization’s relevance in the market and maintenance of its competitive edge depends solely on agile workforce that is receptive to continuous learning and development. It is the responsibility of such entities to provide enough resources to facilitate the continuous learning process and motivate their employees to constantly review individual positions on the different parameters required for maximum productivity. The trainees, on the other hand, bear the sole responsibility of applying themselves to the programs and putting to practice their learning experience. Application of the best practices gained from the program serve not only the interests of the organizations but also encourage personal development of the individual which may be beneficial to their careers. Training Program Introduction Organizations around the world which dedicate and commit themselves to success, global or otherwise, usually have a training program for its entire workforce irrespective of hierarchy or position within the firm. Induction programs, for instance, are examples of training programs which are conducted for all employees in big corporations such as British American Tobacco (B.A.T) for all its employees. The strong commitment to training programs by organizations across the world, start-ups or established entities, creates a difference between continuous growth and market irrelevance or even closure of corporations. It is through training programs that organizations prepare for the eventualities of the future through an intensive, thorough execution of certain activities whose application are not limited to strict adherence of the specifics learnt and executed during or at the training session. Hence, training programs can either be tailored to achieve some set standard results to ensure the trainees meet the required competencies at their places of work or simply acquaint employees with what is expected of them. At times the training program itself can prove to be a challenge for a firm due to various unforeseen or underlying problems that are more often than not overlooked by the trainers or the management. Some of the challenges associated with inefficiency of training programs include change in management, lack of good communication network, lack of conflict resolution frameworks, and implementation of technology. Nevertheless, addressing a training problem, technology implementation for this case, requires the constitution and implementation of an elaborate training program based on adequate consideration of all the basic factors and stakeholders involved in the whole process. Training Programs Training programs are not always smooth sailing or exciting processes but require careful planning and intrinsic evaluation of fundamental factors of the organization. At face value, a good training program takes into consideration the fact that the trainees are adult individuals who value their self-worth and as such should be handled with the respect they deserve CITATION For08 \l 1033 (Ford, 2008). However, the success of the training program is dependent on both the administration, who organize and coordinate the training and the employees to whom the training is done CITATION Edm14 \l 1033 (Edmonds, 2014). Several significant factors have to be taken into consideration by both parties before coming up with a training program addressing a particular or some challenges. First and foremost, the management has the mandate of providing the employees with a clear description of their role in the organization. It is the basis of the entire training program upon which they will develop their knowledge and skills gained through experience or elsewhere before joining the firm. The management also serves to provide necessary training, create learning opportunities in the day-to-day activities of the organization, and elaborate the development process to the trainees by encouraging them to emphasize on personal development. The management basically provide a suitable environment for the trainees to learn and develop themselves for the benefit of the company in future and development of the employee at the individual level. The employees’ role in making sure the training program is a success demands their effort in creating and looking for opportunities to apply the learning experience gained during the process CITATION Edm14 \l 1033 (Edmonds, 2014). The trainees also have the responsibility of coming up with goals they hope to achieve during and at the end of the program. All these activities aim at developing their knowledge and skills which they are also encouraged to put down in a plan. Training managers are tasked with the responsibility of coming up with programs that bring out the best out of an individual undertaking training under their supervision. A good training program should, therefore, be built around certain parameters that help the trainee be more productive while also finding the delivery of their requirement with ease. Technology implementation proves to be a challenging experience shared by most trainers. Owing to the rapid growth of technology and the numerous innovations being made in the sector, organizations have no choice but to adopt the trending technical aspect of all the processes leading to final production CITATION DAg15 \l 1033 (D'Agostino, 2015). Both the manufacturing and service industries have to embrace the changes in technology if an entity from either field is to compete favorably with its competitors. Small and medium enterprises are also not left behind in the wake of technical business applications that make transactions easier. Globalization has become an achievable ambition for many organizations through the use internet connections, easier monitoring of market trends, and tracking of client feedback. Training programs have also taken to the emergence of online applications tailored for easier learning and assessment of the trainees. The introduction of these programs by developers aim at making the process of learning and development more tenable to the employees CITATION Abr14 \l 1033 (Abrams, 2014). Challenges have equally emerged in the implementation of such technologies making it difficult for the trainers to get the desired results. Benefits of technology implementation in training In order to clearly assess the challenges posed by implementation of technology in training programs, it is important to highlight the benefits of embracing the technical aspects of the process. It is evident that improved technology increases the efficiency of an organization’s functions which include the training program CITATION DAg15 \l 1033 (D'Agostino, 2015). The trainers can monitor a large number of trainees from different regions. Unilever, for instance, has a training program installed in their field sales representatives’ phones which gauges their knowledge and skills gained from the market. The application is universal, and the results of tests administered to the sales representatives from all over the world are sent from the corporation’s headquarters. Thus, instead of administering tests to individuals in from different regions separately, the standardized test is given to all representatives from a single platform and monitored in the same way. The competence of each trainee is also calibrated from a standard measure across the world, and hence technology also improves on the quality. Technology implementation in training also functions to ease communication...
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