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How Christian Worldview Impacts Company's Vision and Mission Statements and Business Practices

Essay Instructions:

Create an analysis of how a Christian worldview could impact your company's vision and mission statements and its business practices (750-1,000 words).

Include the following:

Review the company's vision and mission statements. Describe elements of your company's vision and mission statements that reflect the organization's commitment to the greater social good and relates to elements of a Christian worldview.

Explain how the company's commitment to the greater social good relates to elements of a Christian worldview.

Explain whether the company's practices are consistent with a Christian worldview?

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Several elements of the company's vision and mission statements reflect the company's dedication to achieving the greater social good. These commitments also relate to aspects of a Christian worldview. A closer look at the mission reveals that the company intends to ensure pet medications are readily available to pet owners (PetMeds, n.d.). They primarily achieve this mission statement by providing affordable pet health products. When pet products are affordable, they become accessible to a large number of pet owners. We can deduce that this is a commitment towards the greater social good since all pets can have access to adequate healthcare even when the income of the owner is little. The vision of the company reflects compassionate care. The vision envisions a situation where every pet is provided with a happy, healthy, and long life. This vision statement shows a commitment to ensuring happiness and the overall well-being of pets. This element points towards the greater social good, as the main intention is to provide the welfare of pets and encourage responsible ownership. The aspect of compassionate care aligns with the Christian worldview. The Christian worldview suggests that humans should care for God's creation (Bavinck, 2019). Therefore, extending compassionate care to pets aligns with the Christian worldview.
As discussed above, the company is committed to the greater social good. The following is a detailed description of how the greater social good relates to the elements of a Christian worldview. First, the principle of compassionate care aligns well with the Christian view that all creatures are valuable and should be treated with utmost care. The Bible asserts that humans were responsible for God’s creation (Schlag & Melé, 2020). One of the main roles given to the human was to ensure that the creation is well taken care of. Since one of the greater social good aspects of PetMeds is to offer compassionate care to pets, it follows that social good is directly related to Christian Worldview. In addition, the Christian worldview advocates for service and care (Vaca, 2019). Jesus strongly advocated for caring for one another. For instance, prior to his crucifixion, he washed the disciples’ feet and encouraged them to serve others. Part of the greater social good for PetMeds company is caring for pets. Therefore, it is proper to conclude that thi...
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